出版时间:2008-6 出版社:中国书籍出版社 作者:张春星,张春月 页数:179
1 Introduction2 Current Pragmatic Studies of Translation2.1 Introduction2.2 Three Prevalent Translation Theories2.3 Some Fundamental Pragmatic Principles2.4 Pragmatic Studies of Translation2.4. 1 Pragmatic Studies of Translation Abroad2.4.2 Pragmatic Studies of Translation in China2.5 Pragmatic Studies of Humor2.6 Cultural Studies of Translation2.7 Summary3 Context of Humor3.1 Introduction3.2 Notion of Context in Pragmatics and Translation3.3 Notion of Humor3.3.1 Concept of Humor3.3.2 Mechanism of Humor3.3.3 Attardo's Semantic Scale of Humor3.4 Context in Humor Translation3.4.1 Possible Contextual Categories of Humor3.4.2 Contextual Markers and Contextual Adjustment in Humor Translation3.5 Summarv……4 Three Translation Theories and Their Applications on Contextual Adjustment in Humor Translation5 Pragmatic Understanding of Contextual Adiustment in Translation6 Pragmatic Studies of Context in Humor Translation7 Pragmatic Criteria of Contextual Adjustment in Humor Translation8 Further Discussion on Pragmatic Criteria of Contextual Adjustment in Humor TranslationAppendixBibliographyIndex致谢
Virginia Woolf says that humor is the first ot the girts to perish in a foreign tongue ( Samovar and Mills, 1995: 324).This experience of ers may find echoing reflections from many who have also tried foreign humor, no matter in source text (ST) version or target text (TT) version. One may easily argue that humor fails TT readers because the ST writer has a linguistic and cultural background different from that of TT readers in many aspects and there is no way for a ST writer to anticipate the comprehending competence of all potential readers. But what should a translator do to help TT readers overcome this background barrier and come to an appreciation Of ST? ……