
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:中国书籍出版社  作者:史蒂文森  页数:269  译者:危薇  


  “2000单词读遍世界名著丛书”是一套用现代美语改编的文学名著,采用中英对照方式,让你可以突破语言隔阂,充分享受阅读乐趣。丛书用词精纯生动,彻底强化你的英语能力,让你阅读、写作、翻译与考试都绝对得心应手。本书为丛书之一,现在就让我们进入书中的故事,去一探绑架案的内幕。  本套书精选实用性高的美语词汇,不论是单词、词组或语法,都展现出当今美国日常生活语言的特色,对提高中学生英语阅读水平大有裨益。


第一章  我踏上去肖府的旅程第二章  我到达旅途的终点第三章  我开始认识我的伯伯第四章  在肖府我孤儿陷入极大的危险之中第五章  去皇后渡口第六章  我被绑架!第七章  出航第八章  甲板室第九章  带着一腰带金币的男人第十章  围攻甲板室第十一章  船长投降第十二章  耳闻“红狐狸”第十三章  双桅船遇难第十四章  小岛第十五章  带着银纽扣的小伙子:穿越姆尔岛第十六章  带着银纽扣的小伙子:从姆尔岛到林尼湾第十七章  “红狐狸”之死第十八章  我得到了属于我的权利


  I will begin the story of my adventures with a certain morning in the month of June 1751, when I took the key for the last time out of the door of my father’s house.  The sun began to shine upon the hilltops as I went down the road; and by the time I reached the minister’s house, the blackbirds were whistling in the garden, and the mist was beginning to rise and die away.  Mr. Campbell, the minister of Essendean, was waiting by his garden gate, good man! He asked me if I had hreakfasted; and hearing that I lacked for nothing, he took my hand in both of his.  "Well, Davie, lad," said he, "I’ll go with you as far as the ford, to set you on the way. "  And we began to walk forward in silence. "Are you sad to leave Essendean?" said he, after a while.  "Why, sir? " said I, "if I knew where I was going, or what was likely to become of me, I would tell you candidly. Essendean is a good place, and I have been very happy there; but then I have never been anywhere else. My father and mother, since they are both dead, I shall be no nearer to in Essendean than in the kingdom of Hungary; and, to speak truth, if I thought I had a chance to better myself where I was going I would go with a good will. "  "Very well, Davie. " said Mr. Campbell. "I must tell you as much as I know. When your mother dead, and your father (the worthy, Christian man) knew that he too was dying, he gave me a letter. He said you must take it to the house of Shaws, not far from Cramond. "  "The house of Shaws!" I cried. "What had my poor father to do with the house of Shaws?"    1751年6月的一个早晨,当我最后一次从父亲家门上抽出钥匙,我的历险也就此开始。我顺路而行,太阳正渐渐地把它的光辉洒向山顶;当我到达牧师家时,黑鹂鸟正在花园里婉转娇啼,雾霭慢慢地升起,又逐渐散去。  埃森底的牧师坎贝尔先生是个大好人,他正站在花园门口等我。他问我是否吃过早饭;当听到我说吃过了,便用双手拉着我。  “好吧,大卫,年轻人,”他说,“我会陪你走到沙滩,给你送行。”  我们开始默默地向前走。不久,他问我:“离开埃森底,你难过吗?”  “为什么,先生?”我说,“如果我知道我将要去哪儿,或者在我身上会发生些什么事,我会如实地告诉您。埃森底是个好地方,在这儿,我曾过得很快乐,可是我从没去过其他的地方。既然我的爸爸妈妈都已经去世了,那么无论我在匈牙利王国还是埃森底,和他们之间的距离都是一样的。说实在的,我一直在思考在我要去的地方,如果有机会改善自己的处境,我会很乐意去的。”  “很好,大卫,”坎贝尔先生说。“现在我要把我所知道的都告诉你。当你母亲去世时,你父亲(一个虔诚的基督教徒)知道自己也将撒手人寰,于是他交给我一封信。他说你一定得带着这封信离克兰蒙德不远的肖府去。  “肖府!”我叫道。“我过世的父亲和肖府有什么关系?”  “谁知道呢?”坎贝尔先生说。“谁能确切告诉你?大卫,我的孩子,不过那个家族的姓氏也正是你的姓氏——巴尔福:一个古老、正直、让人尊敬的家族。你父亲有着与其地位相称的学识,他的谈吐举止都不同于一般的乡村教师。或许你自己还记得,我曾很高兴地邀请他来我家与此地绅士见面,他们也都很高兴与他交往。喏,这就是你父亲的亲笔信。



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