
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:中国书籍出版社  作者:(法)大仲马 梁蔚  页数:161  


  《三个火枪手》作者大仲马,世界著名文豪,以通俗历史小说独占鳌头。《三个火枪手》就是他最著名的代表作之一。  《三个火枪手》是以法国国王路易十三和手握重兵、权倾朝野的首相黎塞留红衣主教的矛盾为背景展开的饶有趣味的故事。  书中的主人公少年勇士达特安当了一名火枪手与阿多斯、波尔朵斯和阿拉密斯三个火枪手结成生死与共的知已。  其时,国王、王后以及首相三分国权,彼此有隙。恰适王后以金刚钻坠相赠以怀念情人。主教向国王屡进谗言,要国王派人组织宫廷舞会,让王后配带那条金刚钻坠以正虚实。幸得达特安帮忙相助,及时索回金刚钻坠,解救了王后的燃眉之急,粉碎了红衣主教的阴谋诡计。


第一章 达赫达尼昂的第一次冒险第二章 米拉笛接受指令第三章 达赫达尼昂丢失介绍信第四章 台阶上的剑术和波赫多斯的肩带第五章 特雷维尔先生接见达赫达尼昂第六章 达赫达尼昂接受忠告第七章 三次争吵第八章 在卢森堡宫后面第九章 达赫达尼昂做出明智的决定第十章 又一次决斗第十一章 米拉笛会见达赫达尼昂第十二章 昨日重现第十三章 达赫达尼昂险中生还第十四章 红鸽巢酒店中的不速之客第十五章 米拉笛与阿道斯重逢第十六章 阿哈密斯写了一封重要的信第十七章 结局


  书摘  "My son," said D’Artagnan’s father, "this horse was born in my stables about thirty years ago and has served me faithfully ever then. This fact ought to make you glad to own it. " "Since you are going to make a living yourself in the world," continued the old Gascon, "notice carefully your name of gentleman. Accept criticism from no one but the Oardinal and the King. Never be afraid of quarrels, but face adventure. I have taught you the way to use the sword. "  "The minute you reach Paris," added the old man. " take this letter in person to M. de Treville. This gentleman was my neighbour before, and had the honour of being the chosen companion of our King before his accession to the throne.Now he is a captain of the Musketeers-chief of the King’s personal guards. Furthermore, M. de Treville gains ten thousand crowns a year and is a great noble. He began as you begin. look for him with this letter and regard him as your model so that you maybe as successful as he had been. My son, I have nothing to give you but fifteen crowns, my horse and the suggestions that you have just heard. Make full use of all, wish you live happily and long. "  With these words, the old man hung his own sword over his son’s shoulder, kissed him on both cheeks, blessed him and said goodbye.  D’Artagnan dismounted at the "Jolly Miller" when he reached Meung. As he did so he found a stern-looking gentleman standing at a half-open window on the ground floor. He was talking to two other persons behind him in the room and they seemed to be listening to him with unusual respect. D’Artagnan naturally thought that the conversation must be about him, as the man looked steadily in his direction, and so he listened carefully to what they said.    “我的儿子,”达赫达尼昂的父亲说,“这匹马大约在十三年前出生于我的马厩里,而且一直忠心地为我卖力,这一点应该让你很乐意留下它。”  “既然你准备在这个世上自谋生路,”这位加斯贡的老贵族接着说,“那要慎重地保持你那上流人的声誉,除了红衣主教和国王外,不能接受任何人的非难,不要害怕争吵,要勇于冒险,我已经教过你如何使用剑了。”  “你一到巴黎,”老人补充道,“就亲自把这封信交给特雷维尔先生,这位贵族以前是我的邻居,他有幸在国王登基前,被选为国王的侍从。他现在是火枪队的首领,也就是说,是国王私人卫队的头领。此外特雷维尔先生每年有一万克朗的薪水,因此是个大贵族。但他当初和你现在的处境差不多,拿着这封信去找他,把他作为你的榜样,这样你就可能获得像他一样的成功。我没有什么给你,我的儿子,只有十五个克朗、我的马和你刚才听到的建议。好好地利用这些,愿你幸福而长久地生活吧。”  说完这些话,这位老人把他自己的剑佩戴到儿子身上,亲吻他的两颊,送上祝福并与他道别。  一到默恩,达赫达尼昂就在“快乐的磨坊主”客店旁下了马,这时他注意到楼下一扇半开着的窗户边站着一位神色严厉的绅士,他正在同房间里他身后的另外两个人说话,他们看上去听得非常认真。由于那个人紧盯着他的方向看,达赫达尼昂自然以为他就是被议论的话题,所以他仔细地听着他们在说些什么。


  书评  “2000单词读遍世界名著丛书”是一套经过西方作家改编的文学名著,以浅显易必的现代美语改写并保留原著精神,带领读者突破原著中趋近文言的用字遣词及冗长篇幅的隔阂,重新开启一扇轻松领略世界文学之美的窗口。  本套书是以地道的美国口语改写,精选实用性高的美语词汇,不论是单词、词组或语法,都展现出当今美国日常生活语言的特色,对提高中学生英语阅读水平大有裨益。  现代美语改编,世界名著变简单了;用词精纯,彻底强化英语能力;中英双面对照,方便学习轻松阅读;阅读、写作、翻译与考试绝对得心应手。




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