新英语听力同步训练 初三(上)

出版时间:2004-6  出版社:中国书籍出版社  作者:周兆祥编  页数:225  字数:180000  




前言  Unit 1 In the library  Unit 2 Water sports  Unit 3 Make our world more beautiful!  Unit 4 Travel   Unit 5 Have a good time!  Unit 6 Mainly revision   Test 1  Unit 7 A man who never gave up   Unit 8 Merry Christmas!  Unit 9 What is it made of?  Unit 10 When was it built?  Unit 11 Planting trees   Unit 12 Mainly revision   Test   Unit 13 The world's population   Unit 14 Shopping   Unit 15 A doctor for animals  Unit 16 The football match   Unit 17 The missing necklace  Unit 18 Mainly revision   Test 3 录音材料  Unit 1 In the library  Unit 2 Water sports  Unit 3 Make our world more beautiful!  Unit 4 Travel   Unit 5 Have a good time!  Unit 6 Mainly revision   Test 1  Unit 7 A man who never gave up   Unit 8 Merry Christmas!  Unit 9 What is it made of?  Unit 10 When was it built?  Unit 11 Planting trees   Unit 12 Mainly revision   Test   Unit 13 The world's population   Unit 14 Shopping   Unit 15 A doctor for animals  Unit 16 The football match   Unit 17 The missing necklace  Unit 18 Mainly revision   Test 3



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