
出版时间:2002-02-01  出版社:中国书籍出版社  作者:王蓓  页数:166  字数:220000  




前言第一章 议论文  1 The Strong and the Weak  2 Why Crime Rate Is on the Rise?  3.On Courage  4.On Women's success  5.Value Your Time  6.On Luck  7.Complaint  8.On Practice  9.Practice Makes Perfect  10.Love  11.On Language  12.Hard Work Is Good for Health  13.On Friendship  14.Why divorce Rate Is on the Rise?  15.On Sense of Responsibility  16.Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus  17.My View on Job-Hopping  18.Punctuality  19.Science and Modern Life   20.the Way ot Achieve Success  21.Why a Sence of Humor Is Important?  22.On Test and Test Taking  23.Newspapers as a Better Source of News  24.The growth of college Athletics  25.English Learning   26.My views on Examinations  27.Making Decisions   28.The Importance of Praise  29.Should Class Attendance Be Required?  30.Is Failure a Bad Thing ?  31.Cooperation and Compettion  ……第二章 说明文第三章 记叙文第四章 描写文第五章 看图作文第六章 书信



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