
出版时间:1999-01  出版社:中国书籍出版社  作者:宋红梅  页数:292  字数:250000  




1.The World Population 世界人口2.Bees and Colour 蜜蜂和颜色3.Fires Long AgO 很久以前的火4.Flying 飞行5.Solids,Liquids and Gases 固体、液体和气体6.RocketS in the Sky 空中火箭7.Deean Living 海洋生活8.We Pollute the Air 我们污染了空气9.Beautiful,but Dangerous 美丽,但危险10.Overcoming the Problem of Waste 解决废物问题11.The Sun 太阳12.Tea 茶13.Are SOunds Useful or Harmful? 声音有益还是有害?14.Animal Mimics 动物的保护色15.Oil in the Earth 地下石油16.Robot 机器人17.Atoms,Plants and the Sea 原子、植物和海洋18.Quakes to Come 即将到来的地震19.Electric Wire 电线20. Lignt 光21.Gravitation 引力22. The Soil 土壤23. Irrigstion 灌溉24.Pendulums 摆25.Journey to the Moon 月球旅行26. Electricity 电27.Cells 细胞28.The Purifichtion of Water 水的净化29.Photosynthesis 光合作用30.Expansion and Contraction 膨胀和收缩31.Something about Atoms 谈谈原子32. Inertia 惯性33.Life in the Universe 宇宙中的生命34. The First Men to Fly 第一批飞行者35. Moonlight 月光36.The DeVelopment of Rubber 橡胶的发展37. Electric Trains 电气火车38. The Spe of Sound 音速39. Discovery by“Accident” 偶然的发现40.The Beginning of the Air Mail 空邮的开端41.Color 颜色42.The Sun’s Family 太阳系43.The Story of Salt 盐的故事44.Behind the Looking Glass 镜子背后的故事45.Floating Bodies 浮体46.Using Weather Information 利用天气信息47.Seeing Things 看见物体48.Stars 星星49.Bath and Bathing 洗澡和沐浴50.Cosmetics 化妆品51.Dislexia 读写困难症52. What is Heat? 什么是热?53.Heat Conduction 热传导54. Colour Television 彩色电视55. Sources of Energy 能源56.HOW Nature Breaks Rocks? 大自然是怎样破坏岩石的?57.Expansion of Liquids and Gases 液体和气体的膨胀58. What is Chemistry? 什么是化学?59.The Migution of Birds 候鸟的迁移60.The Pole Star 北极星61.Sir Isaac Newton 艾萨克·牛顿爵士62. Volcanoes 火山63.Earthquake Control 控制地震64. Water 水65.Dust 灰尘66.How old is the Earth? 地球有多大年龄?67.The Discoverer of X-rays X射线的发现者68. The Desert 沙漠69.Cotton 棉花70. What People don’t Know about Air 空气趣闻71.The Camel 骆驼72. Exploring the Planets 探索行星73.Halley’s COmet 哈雷彗星74. MysteFy of Time 时间之谜75.Natural Medicines 天然药物76.Pain 疼痛77.Today'S RobotS 今天的机器人78. Trees 树79. Vitamins 维生素80.Functinns of Roots and Leaves 根和叶的功用81.Electricity:the FOrce that Transformed the World 电:改造世界之动力82.Mystenes of the Sea 大海的奥秘练习参考答案



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