出版时间:2006-2-1 出版社:中国医药科技出版社 作者:许恩基 (Schuenke M.) 页数:541 字数:1100000
Our enthusiasm for the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy began when each of US,independently,saw prelimina ry materiaI from this Atlas.Both of US were immediately captivated by the new approach,the conceptual organization.and by the stunning quality and detail of the images of the Atlas.We were delighted when the editors at Thieme offered US the opportunity to cooperate with them in making thiS outstandina resource avallable to our students and colleagues in North America.
General Anatomy 1 Humany Phylogeny and Ontogeny 2 Overview of the Human Body 3 Surface Anatomy of the Body,Landmarks and Reference Lines 4 The Bones and Joints 5 The Muscles 6 The Vessels 7 The Lymphatic System and Glands 8 General NeuroanatomyTrunk Wall 1 Bones,Ligaments,and Joints 2 Musculature:Functional Grups 3 Musculatre:Topographical Anatomy 4 Neurovascular Systems:Forms and Releations 5 Neurovascular Systems:Topographical AnatomyUpper Limb 1 Bones,Ligaments,and Joints 2 Musculature:Functional Groups 3 Musculatre:Topographical Anatomy 4 Neurovascular Systems:Forms and Relations 5 Neurovascular Systems:Topographical AnatomyLower Limb 1 Bones,Ligaments,and Joints 2 Musculature:Functional Groups 3 Muscualture:Topographical Anatomy 4 Neurovascular Systems:Forms and Relations 5 Neurovascular Systems:Topographical AnatomyAppendixReferencesIndex
THIEME解剖图谱-解剖总论和骨骼肌肉系统(英文影印版) PDF格式下载