出版时间:2007-8 出版社:中国纺织 作者:刘正芹 页数:253
《纺织高等教育教材:针织英语(第2版)》以针织用纱线、纬编、经编、织袜、成衣、针织品后整理等内容为框架,系统地介绍了针织的基本理论知识,针织生产设备、工艺与产品质量控制等内容,同时,还概括地介绍了针织品后整理、针织服装设计与生产、针织品贸易等方面的内容。书中每篇课文后都附有生词、重点句注释以及相关思考题,可供学生练习使用。书后附有总词汇表,便于查阅。 《纺织高等教育教材:针织英语(第2版)》可作为纺织院校针织及相关专业的专业英语教材,也可作为针织企业或从事针织品商贸、检验及管理人员参考用书。
Lesson One Knitting YarnsLesson Two Packages and WindingLesson Three Basic Knowledge of Weft Knitting (1)Lesson Four Basic Knowledge of Weft Knitting (2)Lesson Five The Knitting ElementsLesson Six Loop Formation and GaugeLesson Seven Circular Jersey Latch Needle MachineLesson Eight Flat MachinesLesson Nine The Weft Knitted Base Structures (1)Lesson Ten The Weft Knitted Base Structures (2)Lesson Eleven Tuck and Cardigan StitchesLesson Twelve Jacquard, Accordion and Float StitchesLesson Thirteen Plating, Laying-in and Plush StitchesLesson Fourteen Other Fancy Stitches in Weft KnittingLesson Fifteen Weft Knitting Machine Adjustments (1)Lesson Sixteen Weft Knitting Machine Adjustments (2)Lesson Seventeen Pattern and Selection DevicesLesson Eighteen Aspects of Knitting ScienceLesson Nineteen Basic Knowledge of Warp KnittingLesson Twenty WarpingLesson Twenty-one Compound Needle Tricot Knitting MachineLesson Twenty-two Bearded Needle Tricot Machine and Double-needle-bar Raschel MachineLesson Twenty-three Guide Bar Shogging MechanismLesson Twenty-four Fabric Quality ControlLesson Twenty-five Basic Designing KnowledgeLesson Twenty-six Basic Lapping MovementLesson Twenty-seven Two-bar Plain FabricsLesson Twenty-eight Miss-lapping and Openwork StructuresLesson Twenty-nine Laying-in and Fall-plate TechniqueLesson Thirty Pile FabricsLesson Thirty-one Jacquard TechniqueLesson Thirty-two Analysis of Tricot FabricsLesson Thirty-three Technical TextilesLesson Thirty-four Electronics in Warp KnittingLesson Thirty-five Standards and Specifications for HosieryLesson Thirty-six Production of Heels and ToesLesson Thirty-seven Knitting of the Fashioned Garment PieceLesson Thirty-eight Scouring and BleachingLesson Thirty-nine Carbonizing, Singeing, Mercerization and Heat SettingLesson Forty Fabric DyeingLesson Forty-one Printing ProcessesLesson Forty-two FinishingLesson Forty-three Anti-pilling Finishes and Antistatic FinishesLesson Forty-four Other Functional FinishesLesson Forty-five Textiles and the Environment, Health, and SafetyLesson Forty-six Knitted Garments (1)Lesson Forty-seven Knitted Garments (2)Lesson Forty-eight Fashion Style and DesignLesson Forty-nine Cut Stitch-shaped GarmentsLesson Fifty CuttingLesson Fifty-one Stitch GeometryLesson Fifty-two Seams and SeamingLesson Fifty-three Machinery for Seaming Knitted GarmentsLesson Fifty-four Stitch Formation ( 1 )Lesson Fifty-five Stitch Formation (2)Lesson Fifty-six Clothing Technology (1)Lesson Fifty-seven Clothing Technology (2)Lesson Fifty-eight Quality Control of Knitted GarmentsLesson Fifty-nine OrderLesson Sixty Asking for Permission to Go Directly to Mills and Check on Production……