THERE is a time I read the book every day in subway on my way to work and home. I was deeply shocked by the miseries Quoyle had at the beginning of this story, which reminds me of my life. I suppose we all have a time in school learning what we don't understand, and facing losses of our family, and stumbling to get a life. How can we rescue our courage to life and pursuit goodness and happiness in this cruel world? The author use her magic words make me feel like being in that icy, isolated newfoundland, even though I am still in a crowed train. People in newfoundland are quiet, simple and also connected. Quoyle got a job there reporting local shipping news and gradually, gradually find his way of life. So the answer for me is "ISOLATION" which means inner serenity, and also it could be explained as' we all need our own newfoundland'.
BBC的World Book Club前不久采访了Annie Proulx,其间讨论了两本书,就是这本《航运新闻》,还有《断背山》。可惜douban现在好象不能共享音频和视频吧?
故事的一个角色引述他过世老爸地话说: 一个男人一生中会经历四个女人:草地上的少女,恶魔爱人,坚强的女人,安静的高个儿女人。(the Maid in the Meadow, the Demon Lover, the Stouthearted Woman and the Tall and Quiet Woman.)。引述的人没有解释这是什么意思。
接着loser的父母去世,当当当, aunt Agnis(‘坚强的女人’)出场。(原谅我用‘当当当’这么俗气的开场白,因为实在太喜欢这老太婆了,有点激动)。电影由Judy Dench来演Agnis堪称完美。Agnis不动声色地劝说Quoyle跟她一起搬回老家纽芬兰去。To start anew. 作者用几乎‘雪地捕鸟’一样简练而要害的文字概括了这个如此五味杂陈的回归:At thirty-six, bereft, brimming with grief and thwarted love, Quoyle steered away to Newfoundland, the rock that had generated his ancestors, a place he had never been nor thought to go.
接下来Quoyle, Agnis, Bunny and Sunshine (Quoyle的两个女儿,窃以为正是Quoyle生命中的‘草地上的少女’) 在他们臭名昭著无恶不作的海盗祖先的阴影下,在纽芬兰传统和现代化入侵的冲突背景下,face up to 他们各自的demon, 找回自尊和自爱. 这里出现了第四个女人, the tall and quiet, Wavey (作者给角色起的名字都很暗藏玄机). 用言情片的话说,Wavey也是个受伤的女人,最后两个受伤的人走到一起,Quoyle终于学会‘to love without pain’。所以从某个角度来看,这是个小人物的励志故事(尤其是大团圆的结局),但是多亏作者的大师水平,你感觉不到狭隘的道德说教和政治正确。
作者安排这样的出场顺序(先有恶魔女人然后才有草地上的少女,名字还是活脱脱的bunny和sunshine)大概是要暗示一下恶中能生出善,suffering can also produce happiness.
Anne Proulx一生得奖无数,shipping news是她得奖最多的小说。我只看过她这一本(修正:刚写完这评就忍不住把brokeback mountain也搜出来看了),已经为之语言功底折服,简练而娓娓道来,诗意而不矫揉。伊擅用断句, 方言, 很多时候省略主语。小人物的故事,大社会的背景。 我还想说叙事史诗般庞大,不过我交代我从来没读过任何一本史诗。。。所以我只能说作者倾注了太多栩栩如生的细节,把纽芬兰这种很多人可能听都没听到过的outback(我知道literally这个字用在这里是不对的)之地写得让人仿佛身临其境,看他们吃饭你会流口水,看他们钓鱼你想跟他们一起出海。。。这不是如今很多玩技巧的写手能望其项背的。
For if Jack Buggit could escape from the pickle jar, if a bird with a broken neck could fly away, what else might be possible? Water may be older than light, diamonds crack in hot goat’s blood, mountaintops give off cold fire, forests appear in midocean, it may happen that a crab is caught with the shadow of a hand on its back, that the wind be imprisoned in a bit of knotted string. And it may be that love sometimes occurs without pain or misery.
p.s 电影里最经典的那段话居然在小说里没有:
Billy: You have to start by making up some headlines. You know: short, punchy, dramatic headlines. Now, have a look, what do you see? [Points at dark clouds at the horizon] Tell me the headline.
Quoyle: Horizon Fills With Dark Clouds?
Billy: Imminent Storm Threatens Village.
Quoyle: But what if no storm comes?
Billy: Village Spared From Deadly Storm.
When I was in senior high three years ago, I gave up Pride and Prejudice after reading about thirty pages, just a small fraction of that copy. Many a time I was faced with a 70-word sentence without any punctuation marks and it always ended in analyzing its structure and clauses. The pleasure of reading just faded away as the process of analyzing went on. Hitherto I still dare not pick up a classic.
But then I came across A Farewell to Arms and fell in love with this kind of writing style, immediately.
Three years later I happened to find this book, the Shipping News, via To my great surprise there is one copy in the library, where there are few original editions of contemporary fictions in the literature department.
The book was finished in the last three days for I just couldn't help reading it. At the beginning it didn't seem interesting. Quoyle, just a nobody, achieved nothing during the last thirty years. Fired, car wash attendant, rehired. Fired, cabdriver, rehired. Fired. Move to Newf. Thus his new life begins. You may feel frustrated if you try to seek some thrill in the plain story. It's just about daily life, a life close to water, the sea. All the people are around the sea. All their memories, emotions and hopes come from the sea. Plain but touching. Sorry for Nauteem's boat, which is destroyed by a crowd of drunks. Sorry for Dawn's anxious desire to find a new job but there is no response. Wish Bunny not have any nightmares. Wish Beety could give another big show. All the little things, so real, so impressive. The book brought me to the moody sea during the last three days, a quite unforgettable experience of floating on the salty water.
The writing style is my favorite. Though a bit coarse at the first sight, the concise sentences come very naturally. Pay attention to those shining similes. They are like sparkling little stars on the deep blue sky, which can take your breath away. What a shame. Some of them just can't be translated.
However some details may seem artificial. For example I do not like the revival of Jack even though I like this character very much. I also wonder how Quolye turn to be so competent in the later part of the story. Maybe the author doesn't want to be pessimistic. Well, every one enjoys a happy ending, don't you?