出版时间:2009-3 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:赵松涛 编 页数:247
Part 1 高考英语作文综述 Ⅰ.高考英语作文的特点和发展趋势 Ⅱ.高考英语作文评分标准解读 Ⅲ.高考英语作文的写作原则 Ⅳ.高考英语作文考场步骤和时间Part 2 高考英语作文模板——话题作文 Ⅰ.个人见解型作文模板 Ⅱ.观点对比型作文模板 Ⅲ.“描述+评论”类看图作文模板Part 3 高考英语作文模板——应用文 Ⅰ.建议信模板 Ⅱ.邀请信模板 Ⅲ.道歉信模板 Ⅳ.抱怨信模板 Ⅴ.投诉信模板 Ⅵ.感谢信模板 Ⅶ.拒绝信模板 Ⅷ.祝贺信模板 Ⅸ.倡议书模板Part 4 高考英语人物介绍类作文常用经典语句 Ⅰ.题型特点 Ⅱ.常用经典语句 Ⅲ.经典范例Part 5 高考英语话题作文精选 Ⅰ.人生·人际·道德 一、人生哲理 二、人际关系 三、文明·道德 Ⅱ.成长·生活·学习 一、人生观 二、成长·父母与孩子 三、学习·考试 四、语言学习 五、高考·大学 六、课余活动 七、学校 八、同学谊·师生情 九、理想未来 十、人人安全 Ⅲ.网络·手机 Ⅳ.文化 一、中国文化·民俗 二、历史·人文 Ⅴ.休闲 一、旅游·出行 二、娱乐·休闲 Ⅵ.社会·和谐 一、和谐社会 二、孝敬长辈 三、农民工 四、献爱心 Ⅶ.生活 一、日常生活 二、健康·饮食·运动 三、产品质量与安全 四、理财 五、场所·交通 六、城市与乡村 Ⅷ.环保·节约Part 6 高考英语应用文精选 Ⅰ.询问信 Ⅱ.求助信 Ⅲ.邀请信 Ⅳ.建议信 Ⅴ.感谢信 Ⅵ.投诉信 Ⅶ.道歉信 Ⅷ.倡议书 Ⅸ.斥责信 Ⅹ.慰问信 Ⅺ.其他类书信 Ⅻ.通知 ⅫⅢ.启事Part 7 英语写作常用谚语、格言Part 8 英语标点符号的使用规则赵松涛高考英语培训课堂特色赵松涛高考英语的研究成果
Good guidance materials meet the needs of receiving excellent education.Nowadays many parents hope that their children can study in key schools.Since their children failed to enter key high schools,the parents of these students ale willing to pay for extracurricular studies by buying good teaching materials and by arranging for their children to take remedy classes.Some families that cant afford expenslve remedy classes can still afford some good guidance books for the purpose of realizing their dreams.It call’t be denied that we should encourage students to buy good guidance materials,but not “the more.the better”.Are Training Classes or Tutors Necessary?Some think it necessary for students to howe them.Firstly,its more effective to study with a teachers help than by themselves.Secondly,they can have more chances to communicate with teachers f there are more interaction between students and teachers.).Besides,they can make up for what thev miss or fail to understand in classes in training classes or with the help of tutors.Others think it unnecess8ry.For one thing,students can easily form the habit of dependence.For another.students need time for rest and recreation at weekend.Whats worse,attending training classes or hiring tutors even causes sorIle students not to listen attentively in their reSular classes.In mv opinion.whether a training class or tutor is needed just depends.If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject,maybe its OK for you.But be sure to choose.a good and sllitable cIass or teacher,otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.
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