
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:监凯维奇  页数:631  


It is thirty-eight years since the The Finite Element Method in Structural and Continuum Mechanics was first published. This book, which was the first dealing with the finite element method, provided the basis from which many further developments occurred. The expanding research and field of application of finite elements led to the second edition in 1971, the third in 1977, the fourth as two volumes in 1989 and 1991 and the fifth as three volumes in 2000. The size of each of these editions expanded geometrically (from 272 pages in 1967 to the fifth edition of 1482 pages). This was necessary to do justice to a rapidly expanding field of professional application and research. Even so, much filtering of the contents was necessary to keep these editions within reasonable bounds.In the present edition we retain the three volume format of the fifth edition but have decided not to pursue having three contiguous volumes- rather we treat the whole work as an assembly of three separate works. Each one is capable of being used without the others and each one appeals perhaps to a different audience. Though naturally we recommend the use of the whole ensemble to people wishing to devote much of their time and study to the finite element method.


This book is dedicated to our wives Helen and Mary Lou and our families for their support and patience during the preparation of this book,and also to all of our students and colleagues who over the years have contributed to our knowledge of the finite element method。 In particular we would like to mention Professor Eugenio Onate and his group at CIMNE for their help, encouragement and support during the preparation process。


作者:(英国)监凯维奇 (Zienkiewicz.O.C)


Preface1. General problems in solid mechanics and non-linearity 1.1   Introduction  1.2   Small deformation solid mechanics problems  1.3   Variational forms for non-linear elasticity  1.4   Weak forms of governing equations  1.5   Concluding remarks References2.  Galerkin method of approximation - irreducible and mixed forms 2.1   Introduction  2.2   Finite element approximation - Galerkin method  2.3   Numerical integration - quadrature  2.4   Non-linear transient and steady-state problems  2.5   Boundary conditions: non-linear problems  2.6   Mixed or irreducible forms 2.7   Non-linear quasi-harmonic field problems  2.8   Typical examples of transient non-linear calculations  2.9   Concluding remarks References3.  Solution of non-linear algebraic equations  3.1   Introduction  3.2   Iterative techniques 3.3   General remarks - incremental and rate methods References4.  Inelastic and non-linear materials  4.1   Introduction  4.2   Viscoelasticity - history dependence of deformation  4.3   Classical time-independent plasticity theory  4.4   Computation of stress increments  4.5   Isotropic plasticity models  4.6   Generalized plasticity  4.7   Some examples of plastic computation  4.8   Basic formulation of creep problems  4.9   Viscoplasticity - a generalization  4.10  Some special problems of brittle materials  4.11  Non-uniqueness and localization in elasto-plastic deformations  4.12  Non-linear quasi-harmonic field problems  4.13  Concluding remarks References5.  Geometrically non-linear problems - finite deformation  5.1   Introduction  5.2   Governing equations  5.3   Variational description for finite deformation  5.4   Two-dimensional forms  5.5   A three-field, mixed finite deformation formulation  5.6   A mixed-enhanced finite deformation formulation  5.7   Forces dependent on deformation - pressure loads  5.8   Concluding remarks References6.  Material constitution for finite deformation  6.1   Introduction  6.2   Isotropic elasticity  6.3   Isotropic viscoelasticity  6.4   Plasticity models  6.5   Incremental formulations  6.6   Rate constitutive models  6.7   Numerical examples  6.8   Concluding remarks References7.  Treatment of constraints - contact and tied interfaces  7.1   Introduction  7.2   Node-node contact: Hertzian contact  7.3   Tied interfaces  7.4   Node-surface contact  7.5   Surface-surface contact  7.6   Numerical examples  7.7   Concluding remarks References8.  Pseudo-rigid and rigid-flexible bodies  8.1   Introduction  8.2   Pseudo-rigid motions  8.3   Rigid motions  8.4   Connecting a rigid body to a flexible body  8.5   Multibody coupling by joints  8.6   Numerical examples References9.  Discrete element methods10. Structural mechanics problems in one dimension - rods11. Plate bending approximation: thin (Kirchhoff) plates and C1 continuity requirements12. “Thick” Reissner-Mindlin plates - irreducible and mixed formulations13. Shells as an assembly of fiat elements14. Curved rods and axisymmetric shells15. Shells as a special case of three-dimensional analysis - Reissner-Mindlin assumptions16. Semi-analytical finite element processes - use of orthogonal functions17. Non-linear structural problems - large displacement and instability18. Multiscale modelling19. Computer procedures for finite element analysisAppendix A  Isoparametric finite element approximationsAppendix B  Invariants of second-order tensorsAuthor indexSubject index








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  •   有限元鼻祖写的书,系统介绍了有限元方法在固体力学和结构力学方面的应用,对想深入学习有限元的人很有帮助。
  •   作为有限元学习的基础学科,固体力学和结构力学很好的结合在了一起
  •   监凯维奇大师著的有限元方法一书,由原来的一本到现在的三本,影响了我国及世界的一大批有限元学者,我的老师当时念的是监凯维奇大师写的第二版的中文翻译版,当时在我国算是一部经典的有限元大作,包括目前研究有限元的院士及有名的教授都是念这本书成长起来的。前几年,我有幸念了这本书的第五版,三本书用了一年的时间研读了几次,收获还是很多的,首先本书的英语写作很地道,就是国外读这么优秀的作品,现在也是很少的。建议学习力学而又有志向的同辈多念几次这本书,英语自然而然的就提高了,科技论文的写作就不是什么难事了。其次,这本书把有限元的基本概念写活了,基本概念的用词及成句都是有限元著作中经典的,大家读这本书,再也不感到有限元概念的灰度。第三,这本书的提供的有限元程序代码和现在商用的有限元程序的程序结构相似,读了这本书,对现在商业程序的开发而言,太有用了。
  •   此书是计算固体力学的经典著作,我买了第五版,新版也买啦。谢谢。
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