
出版时间:2008-11  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:康韦  页数:703  


The main themes.  This book is mainly concerned with the problem of packing spheres in Euclidean space of dimensions 1,2,3,4,5,.... Given a large number of equal spheres, what is the most efficient (or densest) way to pack them together? We also study several closely related problems: the kissing number problem, which asks how many spheres can be arranged so that they all touch one central sphere of the same size; the covering problem, which asks for thc least dense way to cover n-dimensional space with equal overlapping spheres; and the quantizing problem, important for applications to analog-to-digital conversion (or data compression), which asks how to place points in space so that the average second moment of their Voronoi cells is as small as possible.  Attacks on these problems usually arrange the spheres so their centers form a lattice. Lattices are described by quadratic forms, and we study the classification of quadratic forms. Most of the book is devoted to these five problems.




作者:(英国)康韦 (Conway.J.H)


Preface to First EditionPreface to Third EditionList of SymbolsChapter 1 Sphere Packings and Kissing NumbersChapter 2 Coverings,Lattices and QuantizersChapter 3 Codes,Designs and GroupsChapter 4 Certain Important Lattices and Their PropertiesChapter 5 Sphere Packing and Error-Correcting CodesChapter 6 Laminated LatticesChapter 7 Further Connections Betwwen Codes and LatticesChapter 8 Algebraic Constructions for LatticesChapter 9 Bounds for Codes and Sphere PackingsChapter 10 Three Lectures on Exceptional GroupsChapter 11 The Golay Codes and the Mathieu GroupsChapter 12 A Characterization of the Leech LatticeChapter 13 Bounds on Kissing NumbersChapter 14 Uniqueness of Certain Spherical CodesChapter 15 On the Classification of Integral Quadratic FormsChapter 16 Enumeration of Unimodular LatticesChapter 17 The 24-Dimensional Odd Unimodular LatticesChapter 18 Even Unimodular 24-Dimensional LatticesChapter 19 Enumeration of Extremal Self-Dual LatticesChapter 20 Finding the Closest Lattice PointChapter 21 Voronoi Cells of Lattices and Quantization ErrorsChapter 22 A Bound for the Covering Radius of the Leech LatticeChapter 23 The Covering Radius of the Leech LatticeChapter 24 Twenty-Three Constructions for the Leech LatticeChapter 25 The Cellular Structure of the Leech LatticeChapter 26 Lorentzian Forms for the Leech LatticeChapter 27 The Automorphism Group of the 26-Dimensional Even Unimodular Lorentzian LatticeChapter 28 Leech Roots and Vinberg GroupsChapter 29 The Monster Group and its 196884-Dimensional SpaceChapter 30 A Monster Lie Algebra?BibliographySupplementary BibliographyIndex








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