
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:(英)格林 著  页数:470  


Recent years have brought a revival of work on string theory, which has been a source of fascination since its origins nearly twenty years ago.There seems to be a widely perceived need for a systematic, pedagogical exposition of the present state of knowledge about string theory. We hope that this book will help to meet this need. To give a comprehensive account of such a vast topic as string theory would scarcely be possible,even in two volumes with the length to which these have grown. Indeed,we have had to omit many important subjects, while treating others only sketchily. String field theory is omitted entirely (though the subject of chapter 11 is closely related to light-cone string field theory). Conformal field theory is not developed systematically, though much of the background material needed to understand recent papers on this subject is presented in chapter 3 and elsewhere.


作者:(英国)格林(M.B.Green) (英国)J.H.Schwarz&E.Witten


Preface1 Introduction 1.1 The early days of dual models  1.1.1  The Veneziano amplitude and duality  1.1.2  High-energy behavior of the Veneziano model  1.1.3  Ramifications of the Veneziano model 1.2 Dual models of everything  1.2.1  Duality and the graviton  1.2.2  Unification in higher dimensions  1.2.3  Supersymmetry 1.3 String theory  1.3.1  The massless point particle  1.3.2  Generalization to strings  1.3.3  Constraint equations 1.4  String interactions  1.4.1  Splitting of strings  1.4.2  Vertex operators  1.4.3  Use of vertex operators  1.4.4  Evaluation of the scattering amplitude  1.4.5  The mass of the graviton 1.5 Other aspects of string theory  1.5.1  Gravitational Ward identities  1.5.2  Open strings  1.5.3  Internal symmetries of open strings  1.5.4  Recovery of the Veneziano amplitude  1.5.5  Comparison with QCD  1.5.6  Upitarity and gravity 1.6 Conclusion2 Free bosonic strings 2.1 The classical bosonic string  2.1.1  String action and its symmetries  2.1.2  The free string in Minkowski space  2.1.3  Classical covariant gauge fixing and field equations 2.2 Quantization - old covariant approach  2.2.1  Commutation relations and mode expansions  2.2.2  Virasoro algebra and physical states  2.2.3  Vertex operators 2.3  Light-cone gauge quantization  2.3.1  Light-cone gauge and Lorentz algebra  2.3.2  Construction of transverse physical states  2.3.3  The no-ghost theorem and the spectrum-generating algebra  2.3.4  Analysis of the spectrum  2.3.5  Asymptotic formulas for level densities 2.4   Summary3 Modern covariant quantization 3.1 Covariant path-integral quantization  3.1.1  Fazideev-P0pov ghosts  3.1.2  Complex world-sheet tensor calculus  3.1.3  Quantizatlon of the ghosts 3.2.1  Construction of BRST charge  3.2.2  Covariant calculation of the Virasoro anomaly  3.2.3  Virasoro, conformal and gravitational anomalies  3.2.4  Bosonization of ghost coordinates 3.3 Global aspects of the string world sheet 3.4 Strings in background fields  3.4.1  Introduction of a background spa~e-time metric  3.4.2  Weyl invariance  3.4.3  Conformal invariance and the equations of motion  3.4.4  String-theoretic corrections to general relativity  3.4.5  Inclusion of other modes  3.4.6  The dilaton expectation value and the string coupling constant 3.5 Summary4 World-sheet supersymmetry in string theory 4.1   The classical theory  4.1.1  Global world-sheet supersymmetry  4.1.2  Superspace  4.1.3  Constraint equations  4.1.4  Boundary conditions and mode expansions 4.2 Quantization - the old covariant approach  4.2.1  Commutation relations and mode expansions  4.2.2  Super-Virasoro algebra and physical states  4.2.3  Boson-emission vertex operators 4.3   Light-cone gauge quantization  4.3.1  The light-cone gauge  4.3.2  No-ghost theorem and the spectrum-generating algebra  4.3.3  The GSO conditions  4.3.4  Locally supersymmetric form of the action  4.3.5  Superstring action and its symmetries 4.4   Modern covariant quantization  4.4.1  Faddeev-Popov ghosts  4.4.2  BRST symmetry  4.4.3  Covariant computation of the Virasoro anomaly 4.5   Extended world-sheet supersymmetry  4.5.1  The N = 2 theory  4.5.2  The N = 4 theory 4.6 Summary 4.A   Super Yang-Mills theories5 Space-time supersymmetry in string theory6 Nonabelian gauge symmetry7 Tree amplitudesBibliographyIndex








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  •   超弦理论,毋庸置疑已经成为现代物理学最热门的前沿之一,格林等人编的这本《超弦理论》具有很高的权威性。虽然是英文影印版,但对喜好这方面的朋友来说,这本书值得一读。
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  •   书挺好的 而且是要搞弦论必读的书吧
  •   没看 书的质量还行 听说是搞理论的人的经典
  •   总算有这方面的书了,但不太看好这个理论,跳跃的过大
  •   内容高深,暂时看不懂,以后慢慢理解吧。
  •   学完Polchinski再看这本。
  •   此书是witten的大作,世界上能读通的人,屈指可数
  •   质量很好,英文的,勉强看
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  •   在剑桥留学的时候读过,相当不错!
  •   图书不错,最大拥有
  •   很弦
  •   对witten再多的褒扬都是不够充分的。
  •   原版太贵,无奈只好买了这影印版,但字印的不太清晰,内容还是不错的。
  •   还没看,本人理论基础差,补一补基础再看。
  •   就是是英文的。。但是很不错。。
  •   英文不是很好,但是这本书应该不错,世界图书出版公司的书应该不错。
  •   超弦终于使物理学家们的脑袋远远不够用了,所以这种书应该买。相信上帝一定笑疯了,蚂蚁一样的人类居然想搞出终极理论,太狂妄了。
  •   这是物理学的终极圣杯。我相信上帝不会忽视这美妙的理论的

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