
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:格鲁伯  页数:1052  




INTRODUCTIONⅠ.Important Facts About the SATⅡ.The Inside Track on How SAT Questions Are Developed and How They Vary from Test to TestⅢ What Are Critical Thinking Skills ?Ⅳ.Strategies for WomenⅤ.Multi-Level Approaches to Solution of ProblemsⅥ.A Four-Hour Study Program for the SATⅦ.Longer-Range Study Program and Helpful Steps for Using This BookⅧ.Format of the SATPART 1 STRATEGY DIAGNOSTIC TEST FOR THE SATDirections for Taking the Diagnostic TestStrategy Diagnostic Test Answer SheetSection 1: Verbal AbilitySection 2: Math AbilityStrategy Diagnostic Test Answer and Diagnostic Table(Keyed to Strategies in book)PART 2 THE SHORTEST SAT TEST—16 QUESTIONS TO APPROXIMATE YOUR SAT SCOREVerbal (Critical Reading)MathWritingAnswersShortest SAT Test: What You Did Wrong, Explanatory Answers and Scoring, Strategies and Basic Skills Needed to ImprovePART 3 THE 101 MOST IMPORTANT MATH QUESTIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO SOLVE101 Math Questions Answer Sheet101 Math Questions Test101 Math Questions: AnswersBasic Skills Math DiagnosisSolutions, Generalizations, RulesPART 4 STRATEGY SECTION5 General Strategies35 Easy-to-Learn StrategiesHow to Learn the StrategiesImportant Note on the Allowed Use of Calculators on the SATImportant Note on Math Questions on the SATThe Grid-Type Math QuestionUse of a Calculator in the Grid-Type Question19 Math Strategies16 Verbal (Critical Reading) Strategies4 Sentence Completion StrategiesCritical Reading StrategiesWhat Reading Comprehension Questions AskGetting Involved with the PassageIntroductory PassageBreakdown and Underlining of PassageHow to Answer Reading Comprehension Questions Most EffectivelyIntroductory Passage 2Introductory Passage 3SummaryAbout the Double-Reading Passages9 Reading Comprehension Strategies3 Vocabulary StrategiesPART 5 MINI-MATH REFRESHERPART 6 COMPLETE SAT MATH REFRESHERSession #1—Fractions, Decimals,Percentages,etc.Fractions, Decimals, PercentagesDeviationsRatios and ProportionsVariationsComparison of FractionsPractice Test 1Answer Key for Practice TestAnswers and Solutions for Practice Test 1Session #2—Rate ProblemsWord Problem SetupDistance and TimeWorkMixtureCostPractice Test 2Answer Key for Practice Test 2Answers and Solutions for Practice Test 2Session #3—Area, Perimeter, and Volume ProblemsArea, Perimeter, and Volume ProblemsPractice Test 3Answer Key for Practice Test 3Answers and Solutions for Practice Test 3Session #4—Algebra ProblemsAlgebraic PropertiesEquationsAlgebra of GraphsInequalitiesExponents and RootsPractice Test 4Answer Key for Practice Test 4Answers and Solutions for Practice Test 4Session #5—Geometry ProblemsBasic DefinitionsTrianglesProperties of TrianglesFour-Sided FiguresMany-Sided FiguresCirclesPractice Test 5Answer Key for Practice Test 5Answers and Solutions for Practice Test 5Session #6—Miscellaneous ProblemsAverages, Medians, and ModesSeriesProperties of IntegersApproximationsCombinationsProbabilityThe Absolute Value SignFunctionsPractice Test 6Answer Key for Practice Test 6Answers and Solutions for Practice Test 6Session #7—Tables, Charts, and GraphsCharts and GraphsTables and ChartsGraphsBar GraphsCircle GraphsLine GraphsPractice Test 7Session #8—Modern MathSetsRelationsSolution SetsAxiomsClosed SetsMathematical SymbolsPractice Test 8 and SolutionsPART 7 VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCOREKnowing Word Meanings Is Essential for a Higher SAT Score8 Steps to Word PowerThe Gruber Prefix-Root-Suffix List That Gives You the Meanings of Over 150,000 WordsRootsPrefixesSuffixesA last of SAT Words Appearing More Than Once on Actual SAT ExamsThe 291 Most Important/Frequentiy Used SAT Words and Their OppoSitesThe Gruber SAT 3,400 Word List100 Tests to Strengthen Your VocabularyAnswers to Vocabulary TestsPART 8 GRAMMAR AND USAGE REFRESHERThe Parts of SpeechClauses and PhrasesThe Sentence and Its PartsVerbsNouns and PronounsSubject-Verb RelationshipTenseVerbalsMood arid VoiceModifiers—Adjectives, Adjective Phrases and ClausesModifiers (continued)—Adverbs, Adverbial Phrases and ClausesConnectivesCorrect Usage: Choosing the Right WordGrammar and Usage IndexPART 9 THE SAT WRITING TESTThe SAT Writing SectionContent of the Writing TestThe Essay on the SAT Writing TestThe SAT Essay Scoring GuideThe Writing SampleSample EssaysImportant Tips on How to Write the Best EssayOther Types of Questions on the SAT Writing TestIdentifying ErrorsSample Questions with AnswersImproving SentencesSample Questions with AnswersImproving ParagraphsSample Test with AnswersPART 10 FIVE SAT PRACTICE TESTSFive Important Reasons for Taking These Practice Tests10 Tips for Taking the Practice TestsAnswer Sheet for Practice Test 1SAT Practice Test 1How Did You Do on This Test ?Answer Key for Practice Test 1Raw-seore/Sealed Score Conversion TablesChart for Self-Appraisal Based on the Practice Test You Have Just TakenExplanatory Answcrs for Practice Test 1What You Must Do Now to Raise Your SAT ScoreAnswer Sheet for Practice Test 2SAT Practice Test 2How Did You Do on This Test ?Answer Key for Practice Test 2Raw-Score/Scaled Score Conversion TablesChart for Self-Appraisal Based on the Practice Test You Have Just TakenExplanatory Answers for Practice Test 2What You Must Do Now to Raise Your SAT,ScoreAnswer Sheet for Practice Test 3SAT Practice Test 3How Did You Do on This Test ?Answer Key for Practice Test 3Raw-Score/Scaled Score Conversion TablesChart for Self-Appraisal Based on the Practice Test You Have Just TakenExplanatory Answers for Practice Test 3What You Must Do Now to Raise Your SAT ScoreAnswer Sheet for Practice Test 4SAT Practice Test 4How Did You Do on This Test ?Answer Key for Practice Test 4Raw-Score/scaled Score Conversion TablesChart for Self-Appraisal Based on the Practice Test You Have Just TakenExplanatory Answers for Practice Test 4What You Must Do Now to Raise Your SAT ScoreAnswer Sheet for Practice Test 5SAT Practice Teat 5How Did You Do on This Test ?Answer Key for Practice Test 5Raw-score/Scaled Score Conversion TablesChart for Self-Appraisal Based on the Practice Test You - Have Just TakenExplanatory Answers for Practice Test 5What You Must Do Now to Raise Your SAT ScoreAppendicesAppendix A: Hot Prefixes and RootsAppendix B: Words Commonly Mistaken for Each Other


  First of all, I believe that intelligence can be taught. Intelligence, simply defined, is the aptitudeor ability to reason things out. I am convinced that you can learn to think logically and figurethings out better and faster, particularly in regard to SAT Math and Verbal problems. But someonemust give you the tools. Let us call these tools strategies. And thats what Critical ThinkingSkills are all about——strate.





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