Microsoft Visual C# 2005 EXPress Edition立即构建程序

出版时间:2007-6  出版社:北京世图  作者:帕特里斯·佩兰德  页数:210  字数:404000  


  在本书的指导下,读者可以很快地学会使用Visual C# 2005 Express Edition编写程序。书中通过编写桌面天气预报程序这个完整的例子,一步步详细引导读者快速学会初步编写可以实际应用的Windows程序。


Chapter 1 Introducing Microsoft~ Visual C#~ 2005 Express Edition  What Is .NET? What Is C#?   Is C# an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Language? What Is Visual C# 2005 Express Edition?  What Kinds of Applications Can You Build with Visual C# 2005 Express Edition? What Are the Key Features You Need to Know About?Chapter 2 Installing Visual C#  2005 Express Edition Preparing to Install Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Installing Visual C# 2005 Express EditionChapter 3 Creating Your First Application Two Types of Applications: What's the Difference? Getting Started tDE Components On to the Projects  Building a Console Application  Getting to Know Solution Explorer  Getting Help: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition Documentation  Coding Your Console Application  Customizing the IDE  Creating a Windows ApplicationChapter 4 Create Your Own Web Browser in Less Than Five Minutes! What Is a Project? What Is the Design Layout? Putting It All TogetherChapter 5 Creating Your First Full Windows Application Snap and Align Those Controls Using Snap Lines Using IntelliSense~Your New Best Friend!    IntelliSense and Ctrl+Spacebar    IntelliSense and Period/Left Parenthesis  IntelliSense Filtering: Pre-Selecting the "Most Recently Used"    IntelliSense Code Snippets: The Time Saver    How to Invoke Code Snippets    IntelliSense Auto-Using Statements Renaming and Refactoring   What Can You Rename?    How and Where to Use the Rename Feature    Refactoring-Extract Method Common Windows ControlsChapter 6 Modify your Wed Brower Now!Chapter 7 Fixing the Broken BlocksChapter 8 Managing the DataChapter 9 Build Your Own Weather Tracker Application Now!



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