
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:北京世界图书出版公司  作者:冯涛  页数:255  


  口语就是说,“脱口而出”是验证英语学习是否有效的唯一标准!会说就会听,会说就会读,会说就会写,会说就会译。一个“说”字解决一切!  本教程重点训练叙事的技能,书中100个情景会话,是现实生活中常用的语言,地道、实用、纯正。如果你真正掌握了这100个会话,就可以解决日常生活的基本沟通问题,就可以在国外生活了。  《突破口语:流利美语速成100天》将发音知识完美地融入会话中,不仅在每句英语下面标注了纯正美语音标,列详细讲解会话中出现的连续、音变和爆破现象,以方便读者真正了解英美人士在快速流利的口语交流时的发音秘决,同时彻底空破听力。


第一部分 情景会话100天1 How are you doing?2 I beg your pardon?3 Take your time!4 What's the matter?5 If only...6 I guess so.7 I can't come up with it.8 I'm under a lot of pressure.9 Let's go steady!10 Whatever you say.11 I'll keep you in mind.12 I'll miss you.13 I hope you're enjoying your stay here.14 Are you going anywhere?15 You did a good job.16 Merry Christmas!17 Have you got any plans?18 I haven't seen you for ages.19 It's my pleasure.20 I guess that would be all right.21 It's a piece of cake.22 What time are you going?23 Thanks again for everything.24 Take care of yourself.25 May I help you?26 Thank you for coming.27 That's very nice of you.28 It's a shame.29 Do you need any help?30 On the telephone.31 Excuse me.32 Let me think it over.33 What a beautiful sweater!34 That's incredible!35 Whom shall I say is calling?36 Just forget about it.37 You're right.38 Has it been bothering you?39 Beautiful day.40 Have a good day.41 Hold on, please.42 You're welcome.43 She doesn't have any openings.44 I'm trying to find a post office.45 I don't think we'll have any trouble.46 I'm afraid not.47 Could I have a look at the room?48 What's the daily rate?49 Do you have any vacancies?50 Would you like a shampoo?51 Just follow me.52 How long does it take to get there?53 You are going the wrong way.54 I can't promise anything.55 I guess that's OK.56 You'll be there in plenty of time.57 When does it arrive?58 How much is it?59 Where do I get the bus?60 Would you like to go running with me?61 Which way should I go?62 When should I get to the airport?63 Do you have your driver's license?64 That sounds great.65 Just give me your name and address.66 That's all for now.67 Have a good trip.68 I have a spare room.69 What do you charge?70 Let's drink to our friendship.71 Do you want anything else?72 I really don't feel like it tonight.73 I'm reallynot in the mood.74 That's OK with me.75 Can you bring some drinks?76 Aren't there any other seats?77 Are you ready?78 Do you want to watch it?79 I think I'll try the pie.80 I've had enough.81 What are you going to order?82 Would you like some more soup?83 I'll bring them right away.84 What else do you want?85 What color would you like?86 I'm happy you could make it.87 Take a seat, please.88 He has a bad cold.89 I think she'd better see a doctor.90 I'm really sorry.91 What do you think I should do?92 Take a few days off from work.93 I will have to check94 I'm sorry to hear that.95 Can you see anything?96 How long will you be staying?97 Please accept my hearty congratulations!98 Bottoms up !99 This time you be my guest.100 Is there something to celebrate?第二部分 流利口语语音知识第一节 流利口语连读连读1 词末辅音+词首元音连读2 字尾元音+字首元音连读3 辅音[r]+元音第二节 流利口语爆破爆破1 完全失去爆破爆破2 不完全失去爆破附录一、英美元音对照表二、英美辅音对照表



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