
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:北京世图  作者:伍乐其  页数:622  




四级熟词生义 Unit 1    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 2    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练高频考试词汇 Unit 1    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 2    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 3    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 4    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 5    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 6    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 7    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 8    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 9    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 10    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 11    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 12    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练 Unit 13    Google 巧记速测    热词分频精讲 冷(熟)词链接记忆    Google 典型考题精练常考高分词汇偶考补丁词汇附录一:简单用法中学词汇附录二:常用前缀和后缀附录三:考研词汇索引


  Part 3 Google 典型考题精练  ? 阅读词义理解  1 Each SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) would contain at least one central city with 50,000 inhabitants or two cities constituting for general economic and social purposes, a single community with a combined population of at least 50,000.  [A] located near  [B] determined by  [C] calling for  [D] making up  2. By long-standing convention all meteorites (陨石) are assigned to three broad divisions on the basis of two kinds of material that they contain: iron and silicates.  [A] periodical assembly  [B] international agreement  [C] academic authority  [D] established custom  3. For the first time, in 1870, the United States Bureau of the Census officially distinguished the nations urban population from its rural population.  [A] differentiated  [B] removed  [C] honored  [D] protected  4. Air currents move and lift the water droplets (小滴) of clouds so that the net downward displacement is zero, even though the droplets are in constant motion.  [A] wind  [B] descent  [C] movement  [D] humidity  5. The appeal of jade lies in its compact structure, which permits every delicate carving.  [A] density  [B] value  [C] attraction  [D] essence  6. The light from the most distant galaxies was already half way here before the Earth formed. Even the light from the nearby Viga galaxy set out when reptiles still dominated the" animal world.  [A] threatened  [B] replaced  [C] were developing in  [D] were prevalent in  Ш  7. Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges,teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the__ that comes from achieving success.  [考研03]  [A] assistance  [B] guidance  [C] confidence  [D] tolerance  8. Successful safety programs may __ greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the program.  [A] alter  [B] differ  [C] shift  [D] distinguish9. contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750, when England was still a completely agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.  [考研98]  [A] On  [B] With  [C] For  [D] By  10. The trend of part-timers and temporary workers is __ changing the relationship between people and their jobs.  [考研97]  [A] instantly  [B] reversely  [C] fundamentally  [D] sufficiently  11, If he is working basically as an information translator he should have the of mind enable him to switch rapidly from one subject matter to another since this ability is frequently __ of him in such work.  [专四01]  [A] lacked  [B] required  [C] faced  [D] confronted


  Google语境共现  用一个热词Google出最紧密关联的冷(熟)词,用一个例句同时记住多个单词。  华研外语是国内第第一家采用科学实验的手段来提高学习效率的文化开发科研机构,多年来致力于大学英语教学法和测试学的研究。  “方法第一”,即TOPWAY,是他的做事原则,方法得当就会事半功倍,让您花最少的时间取得最好的学习效果;“沙里淘金"足他的思维方式,通过电脑分频等诗诸多科学手段,让您抓住问题的关键,用20%的精力取得80%的成绩,体现“2/8"原则;封面上那个可爱的青蛙举杠铃的Logo,寓意华研的方法可起到真正的“四两拨千斤”的奇效。  选择华研,选择Smart!




    【年末清仓】淘金高阶考研英语词汇Google巧记 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   看上去不是很难,终于找着本让我有点信心背下去的了例句选得不错,通过看句子可以多记好多单词,生词在句子里出现的频率也蛮高的,可以顺带多复习几次
  •   很不错。就是有点厚。有例句和常用词组。很不错
  •   还不错,里面有真题
  •   买回来看了四个单元就有点儿坚持不住了...

  •   如果没有看过08版,背单词比较有效率
  •   发货速度比平时慢,书纸张质量也不太好。内容与正版有差别
  •   质量实在一般还像盗版

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