出版时间:2005-11 出版社:上海世界图书出版公司 作者:顾立宁 页数:210
在英语高考听力和阅读试题中,短文的听力测试和阅读测试难度最高。如果通过系统训练,将英语短文的听读能力激活,那么其他方面的问题就会迎刃而解。 《高中英语能力激活》正是以英语短文的听读训练为特色,旨在培养学生正确理解语言难度中等的英语短文,通过一定的分析、推理和判断,掌握中心大意,了解作者观点。这对学生在高考中取得高分至关重要。
1. SpaceShipOne2. Mother s Day3. Pale Male4. Texas Rangers5. Online Education6. American Flag7. Black History Month8. A Liquid Crop9. Highways and Freeways10. Popular Books11. "Gone With the Wind"12. Valentine Day13. Cherry Trees14. "Living Fossil"15. Americans on the Move16. May Day in America17. Personal Postage Stamps18. World Environment Day19. Food Safety in America20. Trial by Jury21. McDonald s Anniversary22. New Year s Eve Ball Drop23. Top Movies24. TOEFL25. Military Colleges26. Medical School27. Harvard University28. M.I.T.29. Cost to Study in the U.S.30. Health Insurance31. Where to Live32. Teaching Assistants33. Alcohol Ban at University34. Universities in the U.S.35. IPod Experiment at Duke36. Act Against Education Law37. Compare EducationSystems38. Jobs for New Graduates39. Teachers or Tutors40. Freshman Fifteen41. Steve Fossett42. The facebook.com43. "Chronicles,Volume One"44. Makeover Home Edition45. April Fools Day46. Children to Children47. Abraham Lincoln48. Unusual Laws49. World Series of Poker50. Last "Star Wars" Movie51. Most Populous State52. Turkeys and Thanksgiving53. Simple Mousetrap54. Solar Food Dryer55. Raising Sheep56. Identity Theft57. When Give Back Money58. Carbon Trading59. Personal Bankruptcy60. When Newspapers Lie61. Pilots Pension62. Strengthening the Agency63. "Most Powerful Woman in Business"64. Top the Fortune 50065. NYSE for Electronic66. Investigate Competition67. The Great Crash68. Boeing and Airbus69. Sears and Kmart70. Holiday Shopping附录:参考答案
高考英语听力阅读难题攻关,英语分析推是能力强化训练,上海重点中学教师精心策划,原版短文+原声MP3相得益彰。 以高中英语课程标准为纲,按现行高考试卷题型编写,一二分册由浅入深循序渐进,先测听力后测阅读一书两用。