
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:Karin Aijmer,Bengt Altenberg 著  页数:419  


  “语料库与计算语言学研究丛书”旨在向国内读者推荐语料库语言学与计算语言学这两个学科最新和最经典的外文著作。语料库语言学的语料要建立在计算机上,而计算语言学则专门研究自然语言的计算机处理,这两个学科都要使用计算机,都与计算机有着不解之缘。这篇序言主要介绍了这两个学科的学术背景,以及它们之间的关系,以方便读者的阅读和理解。  1.语料库语言学研究简介  语料库是为一个或多个应用目标而专门收集的、有一定结构的、有代表性的、可被计算机程序检索的、具有一定规模的语料的集合。  语料库应该按照一定的语言学原则,运用随机抽样方法,收集自然出现的连续的语言运用文本或话语片段来建立。从其本质上讲,语料库实际上是通过对自然语言运用的随机抽样,以一定大小的语言样本来代表某一研究中所确定的语言运用总体。


  《语料库语言学的进展》是第23届国际英语语料库语言学年会(ICAME2002)的论文选集。这次年会吸引了世界各地的著名学者,美国南加州大学的John Du Bois、挪威伯根大学的}telge DyVik、澳大利亚悉尼大学的Michael Halliday、英国兰卡斯特大学的Geoffrey Leech、利物浦大学的Michael Hoey和伯明翰大学的John Sindair等均在大会上做主旨发言或专题演讲。  《语料库语言学的进展》精选其中22篇精彩论文,堪称近年来涌现的一批语料库语言学研究成果的浓缩版。适合国内从事语料库语言学研究的科研工作者、学生,以及语言学领域中广大研究者阅读。




《语料库与计算语言学研究丛书》序《语料库语言学的进展》导读原书目录前言Ⅰ 语料库在语言研究中的作用口语语料库:语法理论的基础语言直觉和语料注释——讨论仍在继续英语语法的近期变化:数据、描述、理论Ⅱ 词汇、语法和语义探究语料库数据与基于语言用法的认知语法用语料库检验putting类动词名词短语内下指与虚定指为什么“一个天使乘着旋风冲向暴风雨”:基于语料库的英美政治话语隐喻对比研究互联网个人广告的口语性特征:东南亚国家二语学习者的案例Ⅲ 语篇和语用研究篇章类连接:一种特殊的词汇启动IT-cleft,句式中的状语Lets的语用特征Ⅳ 语言的变迁与发展基于语料库的历史语用学研究方法:以英语指令行为为例计量名词结构:实词虚化及语法化的进程Yourself:一个泛指性强调式反身代词基于威尔士理工学院儿童英语语料库的口语词汇发展研究指示代词的衔接机制探究——一项高级英语学习者写作语料库调查Ⅴ 跨语言研究双语语义对照下的翻译:从平行语料库到词汇互译网跨语言词汇学视角下英语和瑞典语的肢体碰撞动词研究主题对比探究:模式的选择欢迎孩子、宠物和客人们:意大利语Agriturismo和英语Farmhouse Holidays的功能对译在课堂中利用万维网语料库建立专门词典Ⅵ 软件开发或然性语料库:从互联网上提取语言信息的一些问题


  1. Introductory  l felt rather daunted when Professor Karin Aijmer invited me to talk at this Conference, because it is fifteen years since I retired from my academic appointment and, although I continue to follow new developments with interest, I would certainly not pretend to keep up to date - especially since I belong to that previous era when one could hope to be a generalist in the field of language study, something that is hardly any longer possible today. But I confess that I was also rather delighted, because if there is one topic that is particularly close to my heart it is that of the vast potential that resides in a corpus of spoken language. This is probably the main source from which new insights can now be expected to flow.  I have always had greater interest in the spoken language, because that in my view is the mainspring of semogenesis: where, prototypically, meaning is made and the frontiers of meaning potential are extended. But until the coming of the tape recorder we had no means of capturing spoken language and pinning it down. Since my own career as a language teacher began before tape recorders were invented (or at least before the record companies could no longer stop them being produced), I worked hard to train myself in storing and writing down conversation as it occurred; but there are obviously severe limits on the size of corpus you can compile like that. Of course, to accumulate enough spoken language in a form in which it could be managed in very large quantities, we needed a second great technical innovation, the computer; but in celebrating the computerized corpus we should not forget that it was the tape recorder that broke through the sound barrier (the barrier to arresting speech sound, that is) and made the enterprise of spoken language research possible. It is ironical, I think, that now that the technology of speech recording is so good that we can eavesdrop on almost any occasion and kind of spoken discourse, we have ethics committees and privacy protection agencies denying us access, or preventing us from making use of what we record. (Hence my homage to Svartvik and Quirk, which I still continue to plunder as a source of open-ended spontaneous dialogue.)






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