出版时间:2005-6 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:Ralph Baierlein 页数:329
Preface1 How light behaves 1.1 First observations 1.2 The speed of light in vacuum 1.3 White light and colors 1.4 Slideness 1.5 Variations in intensity 1.6 The rainbow2 Newton's particle theory 2.1 Theory building 2.2 The particle theory of refraction 2.3 Ramifications 2.4 A decisive test 2.5 Summary 2.6 Newton himself3 A wave theory of light 3.1 Waves 3.2 Some general properties of waves 3.3 Light as a wave? 3.4 Refraction quantitatively 3.5 Waves in perspective4 Interference 4.1 Interference defined 4.2 Two-source interference 4.3 Interference in light? 4.4 Measuring the wavelength of light 4.5 Color and wavelength 4.6 Thomas Young 4.7 The single slit 4.8 More interference phenomena5 Electromagnetic waves ……6 The photon7 The wave-particle duality8 Does the speed off light depend on the motion of the source of light?9 The principles of the Special Theory of Relativity10 Time dilation and length contraction11 E=mc212 The twins13 The Lorentz transformation14 Space and timeGlossaryAppendixIndex