线性偏微分算子分析 第4卷

出版时间:2005-6  出版社:世图  作者:L.Hormander  页数:351  




Introduction Chapter XXV. Lagrangian Distributions and Fourier Integral Operators   Summary     25.1. Lagrangian Distributions     25.2. The Calculus of Fourier Integral Operators     25.3. Special Cases of the Calculus, and L2 Continuity     25.4. Distributions Associated with Positive Lagrangian Ideals     25.5. Fourier Integral Operators with Complex Phase     Notes Chapter XXVI. Pseudo-Differential Operators of Principal Type   Summary     26.1. Operators with Real Principal Symbols     26.2. The Complex Involutive Case     26.3. The Symplectic Case     26.4. Solvability and Condition (ψ)     26.5. Geometrical Aspects of Condition (P)     26.6. The Singularities in N11     26.7. Degenerate Cauchy-Riemann Operators     26.8. The Nirenberg-Treves Estimate     26.9.The Nrenberg-Treves Estimate    26.10.The Singularites on One Dimensional Bicharacterstics    26.11.A Semi-Global Existence TheoremChapter XXVII.Subelliptic Operators    Summary    27.1.Defintions and Main Results    27.2.The Taylor Expansion of the Symbol    27.3.Subelliptic Operators Satsfying(P)    27.4.Local Properties of the SymbolChapter XXVIIII.Uniqueess for the Cauchy problemChapter XXIX.Spectral AsymptoticsChapter XXX.Long Range Scattering TheoryBibliographyIndexIndex of Notation



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  •   这本书当然经典,但是不是所有经典的书都要读完,据说还没人读完所有的四卷本,因为太难了,我买来也就是做个参考,没指望读完.Hormander写的书都经典,但都有难度...包括邮电出版社刚出的那本他写的多复变引论,很有点难度
  •   四本巨著!线性方程的封顶之作,还用评论?有志于偏微的必读,只是要大量时间。第一本还是要读的。

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