出版时间:2004-11 出版社:北京世图 作者:Steven Weinberg 页数:419
In The Quantum Theory of Fields Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg combines his exceptional physical insight with his gift for clear exposition to provide a self-contained, comprehensive, and up-to-date introduction to quantum field theory. Volume III presents a self-contained, up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to supersymmetry, a highly active area of theoretical physics that is likely to be at the center of future progress in the physics of elementary Particles and gravitation. The text introduces and explains a broad range of topics, including supersymmetric algebras, supersymmetric field theories, extended supersymmetry, supergraphs, non-perturbative results, theories of supersymmetry in higher dimensions, and supergravity.A thorough review is given of the phenomenological implications of supersymmetry, including theories of both gauge and gravitationallymediated supersymmetry breaking. Also provided is an introduction to mathematical techniques, based on holomorphy and duality, that have proved so fruitful in recent developments.This book contains much material not found in other books on supersymmetry, some of it new.Problems are included at the end of each chapter. This will be an invaluable reference work for all physicists and mathematicians who use quantum field theory, as well as a textbook appropriate to graduate courses.
PREFACE TO VOLUMEⅢNOTATION 24 HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 24.1 Unconventional Symmetries and ‘No-Go‘ Theorems 24.2 The Birth of Supersymmetry Appendix A SU(6) Symmetry of Non-Relativistic Quark Models Appendix B The Coleman-Mandula Theorem Problems References 25 SUPERSYMMETRY ALGEBRAS 25.1 Graded Lie Algebras and Graded Parameters 25.2 Supersymmetry Algebras 25.3 Space Inversion Properties of Supersymmetry Generators 25.4 Massless Particle Supermultiplets 25.5 Massive Particle Supermultiplets Problems References 26 SUPERSYMMETRIC FIELD THEORIES 26.1 Direct Construction of Field Supermultiplets 26.2 General Superfieids 26.3 Chirl and Linear Superfields 26.4 Renormalizable Theories of Chiral Superfields 26.5 Spontaneous Supersymmetry Breaking in the Tree Aproximation 26.6 Superspace Integuals,Field Equations,and The Current Superfield 26.7 The Supercurrent 26.8 General Kahler PotentialsAppendix Majorana SpinorsProblems References 27 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories28 Supersymmetric Versions of the Standard Model 29 Beyond Perturbation Theory30 Supergraphs31 Supergravity32 Supersymmetry Algebras in Higher Dimensions