
出版时间:2004-4  出版社:世图  作者:G.Morandi F.Napoli E.Ercolessi  页数:648  


PrefaceChapter1  Thermodynamics  1.1 A Recollection of Basic Notions in CLassical Thermodynamics  1.2 Thermodynamic Potentials,Stability Conditions  1.3 A Mathematical Digression:Integrating Factors and   1A Thermodynamics of Paramagnetic Bodies  1C Some Relations on Partial Derivatives & Jacoblans  1D A Digression on:Integrability Conditions  ProblemsChapter2  Equilibrium Classical Statistical Mechanics  2.1 Foundations of Classical Statistical Mechanics  2.2 Statistical Ensembles in CSM:Micro-canonical Ensemble  2.3 Statistical Ensembles in CSM:Canonical and Grand-Canonial Ensembles  2.4 Response,Correlations and Fluctuations:I Classical  2A Harmonic Oscillators &Ergodicity  2B The Volume Phase Space for a Perfect Gas  2C Density-Density Correlation Function of a Perfect Gas   ProblemsChapter3  Spin Hamiltonians I:Classical  3.1 Spin Hamiltonians  3.2 Gaussian Identities for Spin Hamiltonians  3.3 Mean Field Theory and Phase Transitions  3.4 Linearized Spin ynamics:Spin Waves,Response and Correla-tions  3.5 SSE,Goldstone and Mermin-Wagner Theorems  3A Poisson Description of Spin Dynamics  3B Perturbation expansions and the Classical Analogue of Wick s Theorem  3C "Conventional"Mean Field Theory  3D Some Group-Theoretical Aspects Related to SSB  ProblemsChapter4  Equilibrium Quantum Statistical Mechanics  4.1 Resume of Quantum Mechanics  4.2 Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics:Ensembles  4.3 Response,Correlations and FluctuationsII:Quantum  4A Two-level SystemsChapter5  Identical Particles in Quantum Statistical Me-chanics  5.1 Statistics and Identical Particles in QSM  5.2 Fock Spaces & Second Quantization  5.3 Quantum Gases and Beyond  ProlemsChapter6  Spin Hamiltonians II:Quantum  6.1 The Heisenberg Model Hamiltonian  6.2 Partition Function and Path Integrals  6.3 Mean-Field Approximations and SSB:ferro and Antiferro Mag-netism  ProblemsChapter7  Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena  7.1 Introduction to Phase Transitions  ……Chapter8  Model Systems,Scaling Laws and Mean FieldChapter9  Superfluids and SuperfluidityChapter10  The Renormalizaton Group and Critical PhenomenaAppendixA  Mathematical DigressionⅠ:Differentiable Manifolds and Exteror CalculusAppendixB  Mathematical DigressionⅡ:Some Mathematics of Hilbert SpacesAppendixC  Linear Stability TheoryAppendixD  Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problems for NonSymmetric MatricesBibliographyIndex


This is the second,revised and enlarged edition of a book on Statistical Mechanics whose first edition appeared in the year 1995.No doubt there ate many excellent books on Statistical Mechanics,ranging from classical ones (like Tolman's [152],Schrodinger's[132]and LandauLifshitz's[83],e.g.)to more modern ones.A partial list of them is contained in the Bibliography listed at the end of the book.……  此书为英文版。




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  •   这本书是用一种很不同的方式讲统计力学的,试图将它建立在更严密的数学基础之上.所以,使用了很多现代数学的内容.但是,似乎物理的核心有些被数学淹没.而且,对于对现代数学不熟悉的会很难读

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