
出版时间:2003-11  出版社:世界图书出版公司北京公司  作者:R.E.Hummel  页数:438  


Books are seldom finished. At best, they are abandoned. The second edition of "Electronic Properties of Materials" has been in use now for about seven years. During this time my publisher gave me ample opportunities to update and improve the text whenever the book was reprinted. There were about six of these reprinting cycles. Eventually, however, it became clear that substantially more new material,had to be added to account for the stormy developments which occurred in the field of electrical, optical, and magnetic materials. In particular, expanded sections on fiat-panel displays (liquidcrystals, electroluminescence devices, field emission displays, and plasma displays) were added. Further, the recent developments in blue- and green-emitting LED's and in photonics are included. Magnetic storage devices also underwent rapid development. Thus, magneto-optical memories, magneto-resistance devices, and new magnetic materials needed to be covered. The sections on dielectric properties, ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity, electrostric-tion, and thermoelectric properties have been expanded. Of course, the entire text was critically reviewed, updated, and improved. However, the most extensive change I undertook was the conversion of all equations to SI-units throughout. In most of the world and in virtually all of the interna-tional scientific journals use of this system of units is required. If today's students do not learn to utilize it, another generation is "lost" on this matter.In other words, it is important that students become comfortable with SI units.


Preface to the Third EditionPreface to the Second EditionPreface to the First EditionPART I Fundamentals of Electron Theory  CHAPTER 1 Introduction  CHAPTER 2 The Wave-Particle Duality   CHAPTER 3 The Schrodinger Epuation  CHAPTER 4 Solution of the Schrodinger Epuation for Four Specific Problems  CHAPTER 5 Energy Bands in Crystals  CHAPTER 6 Electrons in a CrystalPart II Electrical Properties of Materials  CHAPTER 7 Electrical Conduction in Metals and Alloys  CHAPTER 8 Semiconductors  CHAPTER 9 Electrical Properties of Polymers,Ceramics,Dielectrics,and Amorphous MaterialsPART III  Optical Properties of Materials  CHAPTER 10 The Optical Constants  CHAPTER 11 Atomistic Theory of the Optical Properties  CHAPTER 12 Quantum Mechanical Treatment of the Optical Properties  CHAPTER 13 ApplicationsPART IV Magnetic Properties of Materials  CHAPTER 14 Foundations of Magnetism  CHAPTER 15 Magnetic Phenomena and Their Interpertation-Classical Approach  CHAPTER 16 Quantum Mechanical Considerations  CHAPTER 17 ApplicationsPART V Thermal Properties of Materials  CHAPTER 18 Introduction  CHAPTER 19 Fundamentals of Thermal Properties  CHAPTER 20 Heat Capacity  CHAPTER 21 Thermal Conduction  CHAPTER 22 Thermal ExpansionAppendicesIndex



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