
出版时间:2003-11  出版社:世界图书出版公司(此信息作废)  作者:D.H.Perskins  页数:426  


  This highly regarded text provides an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to modem particle physics.  Extensively rewritten and updated, this fourth edition includes all the recent developments in elementary particle physics, as well as its connections with cosmology and astrophysics. As in previous editions, the balance between experiment and theory is continually emphasized. The stress is on the phenomenological approach and basic theoretical concepts rather than rigorous mathematical detail. Short descriptions are given of some of the key experiments in the field, and how they have influenced our thinking. Although most of the material is presented in the context of the Standard Model of quarks and leptons, the shortcomings of this model and new physics beyond its compass (such as super symmetry, neutrino mass and oscillations, GUTs and superstrings) are also discussed. The text includes many problems and a detailed and annotated further reading list.   This is a text suitable for final-year physics undergraduates and graduate students studying experimental or theoretical particle physics.


Preface 1 Quarks and leptons  1.1 Preamble.  1.2 The Standard Model of particle physics  1.3 Particle classification: fermions and bosons  1.4 Particles and antiparticles  1.5 Free particle wave equations  1.6 Helicity states: helicity conservation  1.7 Lepton flavours  1.8 Quark flavours  1.9 The cosmic connection  Problems 2 Interactions and fields  2.1 Classical and quantum pictures of interactions  2.2 The Yukawa theory of quantum exchange  2.3 The boson propagator  2.4 Feynman diagrams  2.5 Electromagnetic interactions  2.6 Renormalisation and gauge invariance  2.7 Strong interactions  2.8 Weak and electroweak interactions  2.9 Gravitationl interactions  2.10 The interaction cross-section  2.11 Decays and resonances Problems3 Invariance principles and conservation laws4 Quarks in hadrons5 Lepton and quark scattering6 Quark interactins and QCDq7 Weak interactions8 Electroweak interactions and the Standard Model9 Physics beyond the Standard Model10 Particle Physics and Cosmology11 Experimental methodsGlossaryAnswers to ProblemsBibliographyReferencesIndex




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  •   especiallyforgraduatedstudentsofexperimentalphysics.Verypract***lwithgoodintroductiontoessenceofthestandardmodel.
  •   非常经典的高能物理学导论书
  •   D.H.Perkins的这本高能物理学导论是国外大学本科生高等阶段的教材,国内一些院校的粒子物理系也要求考生在考研之前要看这本书,我知道清华的粒子物理系就要求。而且这本书在我写论文的时候给予了很大的帮助。但是在看之前建议读者要有一定的高数基础和物理基础,包括原子核物理以及加速器物理等,不建议普通的物理爱好者购买,毕竟是人家的考研指导书籍。
  •   初看之后,非常满意,是我喜欢的风格
  •   价格低廉,都是好书
  •   据说是入门级的经典
  •   暂时还没有那些知识储备
  •   主要侧重于实验粒子物理,没有过多的理论,但也会介绍必要的理论,比如第一章就有一节把Dirac方程讲了一下.可以作为量子场论的前导课程.十分的不错.要是考SUB之前发现这本书,那我就能考满分了,呵呵,可惜啊.
  •   这是我们老师推荐的一本书,应该不错。我的英语太渣,一个preface都看了半天才看完,里面的内容更不知道要看多久。书的编排结构还不错,也值得我看下去。
  •   很多地方没有过多的细节就把一些东西说清楚了。另,对好些重要实验进行了到位的说明,是难得的。不过理论的严格性好像弱一些。
  •   买给念中学的孩子,增强知识及英文.
  •   需要阅读
  •   虽然感觉纸质有点糙,印刷有点糙,其余还好..........
  •   老师推荐的 本科学的太简单 但是毕业论文是新物理方面的 所以推荐先看这本
  •   书是正版的,很不错,但是没有发票。卖家说会给我补开发票
  •   服务很好,书也很新很满意;不过这本书为什么英文原版的评论很差呢?啊啊
  •   印刷质量很差,摸一摸墨就灰一片,沾手,我是买的,有点后悔。
  •   an wonderful English teaching material of high energy physics! quarks,standard modle……

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