出版时间:2008-3 出版社:上海世界图书出版公司 作者:欧·亨利 页数:329 字数:4
世界文学名著表现了作者所描述的特定时代的文化,读后带给人的除了流畅的文笔、逼真的描述、详细的刻画外,更多的是对那个时期历史文化的回味和体会。为此,我们将这套精心编辑的“名著典藏”奉献给广大读者。 我们找来了专门研究西方发展史、西方文化的专家学者,请教了专业的翻译人员,精心挑选了这几部可以代表西方文化的著作,并听取了一些国外专门研究文学的朋友建议,不做注释,不做删节不做任何人为的改动,严格按照原著的风格,提供原汁原味的西方名著,让读者去自由地阅读、想像和发挥。无形中,你会发现,自己的英语水平已经有了大幅度的提高,不仅是词汇语法,更多的是对英文,对整体西方文化的了解。 送您一套经典,让您受益永远!
作者:(美国)欧·亨利(Henry.O.)欧·亨利原名威廉·西德尼·波特(William Sydney Porter),是美国最著名的短篇小说家之一,曾被评论界誉为曼哈顿桂冠散文作家和美国现代短篇小说之父。他出身于美国北卡罗来纳州格林斯波罗镇一个医师家庭。 他的一生富于传奇性,当过药房学徒、牧牛人、会计员、土地局办事员、新闻记者、银行出纳员。当银行出纳员时,因银行短缺了一笔现金,为避免审讯,离家流亡中美的洪都拉斯。后因回家探视病危的妻子被捕入狱,并在监狱医务室任药剂师。他创作第一部作品的起因是为了给女儿买圣诞礼物,但基于犯人的身份不敢使用真名,乃用一部法国药典的编者的名字作为笔名。1901年提前获释后,迁居纽约,专门从事写作。 欧·亨利善于描写美国社会尤其是纽约百姓的生活。他的作品构思新颖,语言诙谐,结局常常出人意外;又因描写了众多的人物,富于生活情趣,被誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。代表作有小说集《白菜与国王》、《四百万》、《命运之路》等。其中一些名篇如《爱的牺牲》、《警察与赞美诗》、《带家具出租的房间》、《麦琪的礼物》、《最后一片藤叶》等使他获得了世界声誉。 名 句:“这时一种精神上的感慨油然而生,认为人生是由啜泣、抽噎和微笑组成的,而抽噎占了其中绝大部分。”(《欧·亨利短篇小说选》)
The gift of the magiA cosmopolite in a cafeBetween roundsThe skylight roomA service of loveThe cop and the anthemThe love-philtre of lkey schoensteinMammon and the archerSpringtime ala carteAn unfinished storySisters of the golden circleThe romance of a busy brokerThe furnished roomTelemachus,friendThe handbook of hymenThe pendulumThe buyer from cactus cityVanity and some sablesThe social triangleThe lost blendA harlem TragedyThe last leafThe count and the wedding guestJeff peters as a personal magnetThe exact science of matrimonyConscience in artThe man higher up A ramble in aphasiaProof of the puddingPast one at rooney's‘The rose of Dixie’The third ingredientBuried treasureThe moment of victoryThe sleuthsWitches'loavesAt arms with morpheusJimmy hayes and murielThe duplicity of hargreavesLaw and order‘Next to reading matter’A double-dyed deceiverThe passing of black eagleA lickpenny lover‘Little speck in garnered fruit’While the auto waitsThe shocks of doomA technical errorRuler of menThe atavism of john tom little bear
The Gift ofthe MagiOne dollar and eighty.seven cents.That was a11.And sixty cents of itwas in pennies.Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing thegrocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheek burnedwith the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied.Three times Della counted it.One dollar and eighty.seven cents.And thenext day would be Christmas.There was clearly nothing left to do but flop down on the shabbv littlecouch and howl.So Della did it.Which instigates the moral reflection thatlife is made up of sobs,sniffles,and smiles,with sniffles predominating.While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the。firststage to the second.take a look at the home.A fumished flat at$8 perweek.It did not exactly beggar description,but it certainly had that wordon the look-out for the mendicancy squad.In the vestibule below was a letter-box into which no letter would go,and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring.A1soappertaining thereunto was a card beating the name'Mr.James Dillingh-amYoung.'The'Dillingham'had been flung to the breeze during a former period ofprosperity when its possessor was being Paid$30 per week.Now,whenthe income was shrunk to$20,the letters of'Dillingham'looked blurred.as though they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest andunassuming D.But whenever Mr.James Dillingham Young came homeand reached his flat above he was called'Jim'and greatly hugged by Mrs.James Dillingham Young,already introduced to you as Della.which is allvery good.Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks wim the powder rag.She stood bv the window and looked out dully at a grey cat walking a greyfence in a grey backyard.To.morrow would be Christmas Day.and shehad only 1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.She had been savingevery penny she could for months.wim this result.Twenty dollars a weekdoesn't go far.Expenses had been greater than she had calculated.Thevalways are.