
出版时间:2003-9  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:G.M.Lieberman  页数:439  




PrefaceChapter Ⅰ. Introduction  1 Outline of this book  2 Further Remarks  3 NotationChapterⅡ. Maximum Principles  1 The Weak maximum Principles  2 The strong maximum principle  3 A priori estimates  Notes  ExercisesChapter Ⅲ. Introduction to the Theory of weak Solutions  1 The theory of weak derivatives  2 The method of continuity  3 Problems in small balls  4 Global existence and the Peron process  Notes  ExercisesChapter Ⅳ. Holder Estimates  1 Holder conbtinuity  2 Campanato spaces  3 Interior estimates  4 Estimates near a flat boumdary  5 Regularized distance  6 Intermediate Schauder Estimates  7 Curved boundaries and nonzero boundary data  8 A special mixed problem  Notes  ExercisesChapter Ⅴ. Existence, Uniqueness, and Regularity of Solutions  1 Uniqueness of Solutions  2 The Cauchy-Dirichlet problem with bounded coefficients  3 The Cquchy-Dirichlet problem with unbounded coefficients  4 The obliquederivative problem  Notes  ExercisesChapter Ⅵ. Further Theory of Weak Solutions……Chapter Ⅶ. Strong SolutionsChapter Ⅷ. Fixed Point Theorems and TheirChapter Ⅸ. Comparison and Maximum PrinciplesChapter Ⅹ Boundary Gradient ExtimatesChapter Ⅺ. Global and Local Gradient BoundsChapter XII. Holder Gradient Extimates and Existence TheoremsChapter XIII. The Oblique Derivative Problem for Quasilinear Parabolic EquationsChapter XIV. Fully Nonlinear EquationsⅠ.Chapter XV Fully Nonlinear Equations Ⅱ.References Index



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  •   期待作者的新书。
  •   Lieberman是Gilbarg的学生Trudinger的师弟名门之后,此书更是他的心血所著是一本值得拥有的好书
  •   100减20时买的,当当做活动时还比较便宜。
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