出版时间:2002-7 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:Tung Tsang 页数:411
经典电动力学是物理系学生的主课之一,其教材有多种版本,其中有些教材因内容繁多使学生望而生畏。本书则是一部内容简明的教科书,其宗旨是不用复杂的数学推导公式阐述电动力学问题。 物理系研究生及电子工程、物理化学和材料科学等专业的科研人员。
PrefaceChapter 1 Introducion and Review 1.1 Coulomb's Law, Electric Field and Potential 1.2 Gauss Law 1.3 Divergence Theorem 1.4 Curl and Stokes Theorem 1.5 Cylindrical Coordinates 1.6 Dpherical Coordinates 1.7 Electric Dipoles 1.8 Vector Formulas and Vector Projction 1.9 Conductors, Surface Charges and Boundary Conditions 1.10 Laplace and Poisson Equation, Method of Images 1.11 Cqpacitance 1.12 Electrostatic Potential Energy and Energy Density 1.13 Dirac Delta-Function ProblemsChapter 2 Electrostatics, Multipoles, Dielectrics 2.1 Fourier Series and Orthogonality 2.2 Two-Dimensional Potential Problems in Rectangles 2.3 Fourier Transrom 2.4 Legendre Polynomials and Laplace Equations in Spherical Coordinates 2.5 Spherical Harmonics 2.6 Cylindrical Coordinates and Bessel Functions 2.7 Strong Electric Fields near Sharp Edges and Sharp Soints 2.8 Matrices 2.9 Multipole Expansion 2.10 Spherical Harmonics Addition tHEOREM 2.11 Multipoles in External EWlectric Field 2.12 Large Conductor Plate with Circular Hole 2.13 Dielectric Media 2.14 Electrostatics and Boundary Conditions in Dielectrics 2.15 Potential Energy and Energy Density in Dielectrics ProblemsChapter 3 Magnetostatics 3.1 Current Density and Equation of Continuity 3.2 Biot and Savart Law 3.3 magnetic Vector Potential 3.4 Force and Torque on Local Currents due to Magnetic Induction 3.5 Electromotive Force and Magnetic Flux 3.6 Magnetic Materical and Magnetic Intensity vector 3.7 magnetic Scalar Potential, Magnetic Shielding 3.8 Permanent Magnet 3.9 Current Density in Parallel Plate Diode ProblemsChapter 4 Electromagnetic Field EquationsChapter 5 Plane Electromagnetic WavesChapter 6 Wave GuidesChapter 7 Radiating SystemsChapter 8 Scattering and RadiationChapter 9 Special Theory of RelativityChapter 10 Realtivistic DynamicsChapter 11 Radiation by Moving ChargesChapter 12 Spherical WavesChapter 13 Plasma PhysicsChapter 14 Laser and HolographyChapter 15 SuperconductivityAppendix A Systems of UnitsAppendix B Frequently Used SymbolsReferencesIndex