
出版时间:2002-07-01  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:S. Doniach,E. H. Sondheimer  页数:317  


A lot has happened in the field of condensed matter physics since the original edition of "Green's functions for Solid State Physicists" was published in 1974. Nevertheless, the book has helped introduce several generations of condensed matter physics graduate students to the very powerful ideas of quantum many body theory and some of their ap-plications, particularly those in the physics of itinerant magnetism and superconductivity that have nowadays come to be called "the correlated electron problem".     In preparing for the reprint edition, two new chapters have been added to the original text to provide an introduction to the recent de-velopments in this branch of condensed matter physics. Chapter 11 focuses on the understanding of the Kondo problem which grew out of the exact solutions developed in the mid 1970's. The accompanying growth of experimental work culminating in the discovery of the heavy fermion superconductors gave substance to the idea that Coulomb re-pulsion between electrons in a narrow band metal can actually lead to attraction between the electrons and resulting instabilities at low tem-peratures to either a superconducting or an antiferromagnetic state.


PREFACE TO THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS EDITION PREFACE INTRODUCTION: THE THEORY OF CONDENSED MATTER CHAPTER 1 LATFICE DYNAMICS IN THE HARMONIC APPROXIMATION   1.1 The ground state energy   1.2 The ground state energy as an integral over coupling constant   1.3 The neutron scattering cross-section   1.4 The Green‘s function and its equation of motioff   1.5 The iteration solution of G   1.6 Summation of the iteration series   1.7 Calculation of the ground state energy and the neutron cross-section in terms of the phonon Green‘s function CHAPTER 2 LATTICE DYNAMICS AT FINITE TEMPERATURES   2.1 The free energy in the harmonic approximation   2.2 The phonon temperature Green‘s function   2.3 The real-time Green‘s function and neutron scattering at finite temperatures CHAPTER 3 THE FEYNMAN-DYSON EXPANSION   3.1 Zero-temperature theory: general formalism   3.2 Evaluation of the phonon Green‘s function at T= 0 by Feynman-Dyson perturbation theory   3.3 The Feynman-Dyson expansion at finite temperatures   3.4 Direct evaluation of the free energy by Feynman-Dyson perturbation theory CHAPTER 4 THE XCATTERING OF FERMIONS BY A LOCALIZED PERTURBATION  4.1 Scattering of a single electron  4.2 Formulationg of the many-electon scattering problem in terms of fermion creation and annihiation oprtors  4.3 Single-electon Green's function  ……CHAPTER 5 ELECTONS IN THE PRESENCE OF MANY IMPURITIES-THE THEORY OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE IN METASCHAPTER 6 THE INTERACTING ELECTRON GASCHAPTER 7 THE MAGNETIC INSTABILITY OF THE INTERACTING ELECTORYGASCHAPTER 8 INTERACTING ELECTORN IN THE ATOMIC LIMITCHAPTER 9 TRANSICNT RESPOSIE OF THE FERMI GAS-THE X-RAY AND KONDO PROBLEMSCHAPTER 10 SUPERCONDUCTVIIVCHAPTER 11 STRONG CORRELATED ELECTRON SYSTMS HEAVY FERMIONS THE I-DIMENSIONAL ELECTION GASCHAPTER 12 HIGH T SUPERCONDUCTIVTIYAPPENDIX1 SECOND QUANTIZATION FOR FERMIONS AND BOSONSAPPENDIX2 TIME CORRELATION FUNCTIONS AND GREENS FUNCTIONSBIBLIOGRAPHYHISTORICAL NOTE ON GEORCE GREENINDEX




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  •   内容很不错,就是有点贵
  •   书是好书,就是印刷质量不敢恭维啊,
  •   书的内容还不错,但是翻印的质量有待提高.
  •   这本书很适合入门以及做实验的人看,它讲的比较深入浅出,很注意物理内容而不是数学形式。想从事凝聚态物理学习的人应该看一看!
  •   这书不咋地.Green函数就是搞理论凝聚态的那帮人忽悠人的东西,本身根本和物理实质没关系.啥东西都用这东西包装一下,为发一些垃圾文章?

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