出版时间:2002-12 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:张继承 主编 页数:744
《实战英语》的核心,就是“实战”。 “实战”有两个含义:其一是源于我自己的传奇人生,其二是源于语言本身,因为学习语言的终极目的是使用。因此, “实战”便是实用。素材部分主要源于本人16年来在外交、外企、旅游和办学的传奇经历中与数万名外国客人(包括英国女王)打交道的实战积累和英美人的真实生活、电影、电视及报刊杂志。理论部分则源于:一是我在北京外国语大学学习的心得和继承前辈传统之精华。二是我在16年里4种实战经历中的领悟和创新。 《实战英语》经典教材(初、中、高),自2000年9月由上海世界图书出版公司隆重推出以来,短短两年的时间,总发行量突破了15万册。尤其是2001年4月份在广州购书中心成功地举办了签名售书活动和9月份其姊妹篇《实战英语》精彩系列(共6本,特点是英语+专业:旅游外事、商贸、文秘、面试、体育和单词三向记忆大全)的出版发行,在中国迅速形成了一股强劲的“实战英语风暴”,一时出现了洛阳纸责的现象,一跃成为中国最畅销的英语学习和教学用书之一。据不完全统计,目前在全国有近200多家大中专院校、私立外语培训机构在使用这套教材。 语言是不断发展变化的,实战英语追求的是“鲜活”的语言。总结多年教学实践经验和全国近200多家使用学校及读者的反馈,我与中外专家组成的精英团队历时近半年,夜以继日,倾注了大量心血r终于使《张继承实战英语》经典教程能与广大英语读者见面。经典教程与已出版的《实战英语》经典教材和精彩系列,与其他口语书籍相比,具有以下六大显著特点: 一、内容丰富.实战性强,涵盖面广。 经典教程分初、中、高3级,共9本书,12盒磁带.64张卡片,内容方面,从英美人的日常生活、工作和社交所必备的最经典、最频繁、最实战的词汇(3797个),句型(1238句),对话(162组),文章(120篇),语法(60条),实战口语练习(127个),世界顶级热门话题(22个)到相关的实战背景信息(60篇)及交际技巧,从实战经历照片(60张)到幽默漫画(60幅)等,应有尽有。 二、排版新颖、风趣,具国际品味。 该书采用双色印刷,版式新颖夺目,包装精美令人爱不释手,具国际品味。初级、中级版中的60张反映我从事外交、外企、旅游和办学的照片,从一个侧面展示了实战英语的风采。60幅精美漫画,幅幅紧扣主题,图文并茂,诙谐幽默,意味深长。这些照片和漫画大大增强了该书的真实性和趣味性。 三、功能、意念与情景相结合。 本教程以语言功能为纲来选择和组织材料,坚持趣味性、实用性和典型性的原则。情景对话的编写紧密结合读者生活实际,题材广泛,内容由浅入深、难易适中。只要熟练掌握本教程的全部内容,学员便掌握了日常交流所必备的素材和技巧,完全可以充满自信地应付各种社交场合,准确、流利地使用地道的英语表达思想,进行实战交流。 四、东西方语言与文化相比较。 不同国家、不同民族都有各自不同的语言和文化,两者相依,不可分隔。对于中国人来说,与西方人交往有两大障碍,即语言技能和东西方文化差异,尤其是东西方文化差异之巨大,被称为“cultureshock”(文化休克)。因此,我们在编写过程中充分意识到文化差异对语言学习和实战交流的重要性。张先生总结了其十几年来走访28个国家和亲自接待来自世界50多个国家的数万名外国客人(包括英国女王,法国前总统密特朗等世界政要)的实战经验,在每单元配有东西方文化的背景资料,使学生在学习语言技能的同时尽可能了解更多的文化背景知识,提高实战交流能力,做到真正融入“鬼佬圈”。 五、语言技能的全面培养和听说能力的重点训练相结合。 我的实战经历和长期听说教学实践表明,听说能力的培养离不开全面语言技能的培养,特别是听说技能以及对语音规则、主要语法和核心词汇的掌握。在该书的编写过程中,我们紧紧抓住“实战”这一核心。扩充了实际运用语言的内容。我的实战理论的理念是: “每个学生都是演员”,即加大强化听说训练的力度,让学员都变成演员,担任一定的角色,把语言技能运用到各种不同的语言环境中去。通过角色扮演、自由交谈、讨论、辩论、自述等实战教学手段,使学员尽快提高听说实战能力。 六、内容相互关联,又自成体系,同时兼顾教学和自学。 ……
Unit 1 Love,Marriage & ResponsibilityUnit 2 Environment Protection & Sustainable DevelopmentUnit 3 Abilities,Jobs & Promotions Unit 4 AIDS and lts Effect on Human BeingsUnit 5 Younger Generation-A Threat to the Values of the older Generation Unit 6 Mercy KillingsUnit 7 Wealth,Health & Happiness张继承实战英语 高级版中册张继承实战英语 高级版下册后记张继承小传实战英语简介
AutomobilesThe new rules will cut import tariffs on automo- biles to 25 percent by mid-2006 from the present 80-100 percent, under the U.S. agreement. The rules require China to lift all restrictions on catego- b ry, type and model of vehicles produced in Sino- EU joint -ventures within two years.China plans to cut import tariffs to 60 -80 per- cent in the next two years as the first step in duty cuts. The domestic auto industry is expected to be one of the most affected sectors. Cheaper imports could also affect foreign auto joint ventures, such as Shanghai General Motors and Shanghai Volk- swagen. Domestic automakers also face competi- tion from a sharp rise in car and auto parts im- ports, encouraged by steep cuts in tariffs.BankingForeign banks will be allowed to conduct do- mestic yuan currency business with Chinese firms two years after WTO accession and with Chinese individuals five years after accession, the U.S.deal says, geographic restrictions will be lifted after five years.Foreign banks will make inroads in yuan busi- ness in major cities like Shanghai and Beijing, bJ will not pose an immediate threat to the Big Four state banks, which have vast branch networks and a market share of more than 70 percent. Domestic banks will lose staff to foreign rivals. Smaller com- mercial banks may bear the brunt of competition. The new rules have pushed the banking sector to expand services, create cooperative pacts, list on the stock market, get rid of bad debts and merge ith other banks to cope with the challenges of for- eign competition.Financial SecuritiesThe new rules will permit minority foreign- owned joint ventures to engage in fund manage- ment on the same terms as Chinese firms. Three years after accession, foreign firms will be allowed49 percent stakes in joint ventures.Young domestic brokerages are seeking part- nerships with foreign securities houses to make use of their expertise and capital strength. China Inter- national Capital Corp., a joint venture investment bank of China Construction Bank and Morgan Stan- ley Dean Witter, is expected to fare well in under- writing domestic and overseas share offerings and other investment banking services. Already, foreign fund managers are linking up with domestic firms, providing foreign know-how for running mutual funds, a first step towards setting up joint venture fund management companies in China.InsuranceThe new rules will limit foreign stakes to 50 percent. The EU has said the insurance market would be opened two years earlier than outlined in the U.S. agreement. The U.S. deal calls for Bei- jing to phase out geographical restrictions in three years, to allow foreign insurers into group, health and pensions over five years, and permit wholly owned non-life subsidiaries in two years. Foreign insurers are now largely restricted to Shanghai andGuangzhou.European insurers, offered seven new busi- ness licenses, are the big winners. Two of the li- censes have been issued. Domestic insurers, no~ enjoying a 99 percent market share, will face strong competition from foreign firms. China has granted licenses to 16 foreign insurers, including five U.S. firms and seven from Europe. Some U.S. Insurers, such as American International Group, hold more than one license.AgricultureUnder the new rules, duties for agricultural products will fall from 22 percent to 17.5 percent for most countries. The new rules will cut import tariffs on products such as cooking oil, butter, or- anges and wine from the present 25 to 85 percent to 9 to 18 percent.China has already accepted the first shipments of U.S. pork and beef. China s producers will face major challenges because tariff cuts and freer im- port quotas will mean domestic grains like corn and soybeans must compete with higher quality im- ports. Cheaper meat imports will threaten the local livestock industry.……
《张继承实战英语(高级版)(全3册)》是张继承老师千锤百炼的外交、外企、旅游和办学经验及与无数外宾交流的实战心得。《张继承实战英语(高级版)(全3册)》内容丰富,实战性强,涵盖面广,采用双色印刷,版式新颖夺目,包装精美,令人爱不释手,具国际品味。《张继承实战英语(高级版)(全3册)》将帮助你征服英语,改写“聋哑英语”的尴尬史! 《张继承实战英语(高级版)(全3册)》封面图片为单册,套装图片请以实物为准!
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