出版时间:2001-4 出版社:世界图书出版公司北京 作者:[英]AndrewR.W.Ja 页数:405
Modem techniques of environmental science allow us to explore our surroundings In ways that were unimaginable until relatively recently. These explorations have not only revealed the natural world in ever finer detail, they have also provided evidence to suggest that the activity of humans is, for the first time, causing changes to the environment on a global scale. Heightened interest in the nature and quality of our surroundings is reflected in the growing amount of published work conceming environmental issues, both in the press and in more specialist literature. This book was written to provide a clear and authoritative lntroductory. environmental science text. It strives to bridge the gap between the popularist and specialist environmental publications. It introduces the reader to the basic concepts and vocabulary necessary to explore complex environmental issues and problems. Environmental science will primarily be of use to first-year undergraduate students of the environmental sciences, including environmental biology and environmental chemistry. However, it will also serve as a reference text for students of related disciplines such as environmental studies and environmental management. The text is constructed in a concise and coherent manner, making extensive use of boxed material, both to explain basic theory and to provide illustrative examples. In order to further enhance the students learning experience, end of chapter problems and a selection of environmental case studies are included. The latter are intended to provide a starting point for further, independent, investigation into the environmental issues raised. The book is divided into two main parts: The Natural Environment (Chapters 1-10) and Human Impact on the Natural Environment (Chapters 11-16). In the first of these, the nature and chemical behaviour of matter is explored, as are the maior features and processes of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere, and the interactions between them. In the second part of the text, the impact of hurman activities upon the environment, through the exploitation of natural resources and the production of pollutants, is explored in depth. Attention is given In the final chapter to the issue of waste management.
Modem techniques of environmental science allow us to explore our surroundings In ways that were unimaginable until relatively recently. These explorations have not only revealed the natural world in ever finer detail, they have also provided evidence to suggest that the activity of humans is, for the first time, causing changes to the environment on a global scale. Heightened interest in the nature and quality of our surroundings is reflected in the growing amount of published work conceming environmental issues, both in the press and in more specialist literature. This book was written to provide a clear and authoritative lntroductory. environmental science text. It strives to bridge the gap between the popularist and specialist environmental publications. It introduces the reader to the basic concepts and vocabulary necessary to explore complex environmental issues and problems.
Preface to the second editionPreface to the first editionAcknowledgementsIntroductionPart One THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT The physical environment Chapter 1 The nature and organisation of matter Chapter objectives Introduction 1.1 Atoms and elements 1.2 Ions and ionic compounds 1.3 Molecules and covalent compounds 1.4 Valency and the Periodic Table of the elements 1.5 Oxidation states 1.6 Compounds, mixtures, chemical species and chemical reactions 1.7 The atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions 1.8 Summary 1.9 Problems 1.10 Further reading Chapter 2 Energy flow, equilibrium and change Chapter objectives Introduction 2.1 The laws of energy flow 2.2 Dynamic equilibrium and spontaneous change 2.3 Chemical kinetics 2.4 Summary 2.5 Problems 2.6 Further reading Chapter 3 The Earth's surface Chapter objectives Introduction 3.1 The crust 3.2 Soils 3.3 The hydrosphere 3.4 Summary 3.5 Problems 3.6 Further reading Chapter 4 The atmosphere Chapter objectives Introduction 4.1 The structure and composition of the atmosphere 4.2 Weather and climate 4.3 Summary 4.4 Problems 4.5 Further reading Chapter 5 Bioelement cycling Chapter objectives Introduction 5.1 The oxygen cycles 5.2 The carbon cycle 5.3 The nitrogen cycle 5.4 The phosphorus cycle 5.5 The sulfur cycle 5.6 Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium cycles 5.7 Summary 5.8 Problems 5.9 Further reading ……Part Two HUMAN IMPACT ON THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAppendicesGlossaryIndex