出版时间:2001-4 出版社:世界图书出版公司(此信息作废) 作者:perelomov 页数:335
Just as a "demographic explosion" gives much trouble to sociologists and economists, the problem of an "information explosion" is in the face of scientists and teachers in all its magnitude.
The differece between both problems is in fact that the birth-rate of the population can be limited much more easily than the birth-rate of articles.
Only the editors of scientific journals dream about the Golden Age when authors themselves would critivize their own works and reject all of them except brilliant ones.
The birth of an article which represents even a small stemp forward frome the generally accepted level of knowledge gives a satisfaction and a pleasure which the author cannot overcome. In our opinion, one should not try to fight against the "information explosion", but rather try to direct its energy, i.e. efforts of the huge army of sentists, into a common channel.
作者:(俄)A.M.Perelomov (俄)Y.B.Zel'dovich
PrefaceChapter1. Discrets Spectrm 1. Introduction 2. States with small binding energy 3. Point interaction and its correspondence to boundary conditions 4. Particle in field of several point potentials 5. The Coulomb potential 6. Three-dimensional oscillator 7. Virial theorem and its generalizations 8. Identical particles and statistical physicsChapter2. Continuous Spectrum 1. Introduction.Wave functions of continuous spectrum withl=0 2. Motion with orbital angular momentum l≠0 Motion in the Coulomb field 3. Wave functions of continuous spectrum.Scattering cross-section 4. Optical theorem and its generalizationChapter3. Analytic Properties of Wae FunctionChapter4. Inverse Scattering ProblemChapter5. The Green Function and Perturabtion TheoryChapter6. Quasi-classical ApproximationChapter7. Exact Solutinos of Non-stationary Problems for OscillatorChapter8. Quasic-stationary StatesAppendix A. Specific cases of the Schrodinger equation spectrumAppendix B. Quasi-classical properties of highly excited levels in the Coulomb fieldBibligraphySubject Index
Just as a "demographic explosion" gives much trouble to sociologists and economists, the problem of an "information explosion" is in the face of scientists and teachers in all its magnitude.The differece between both problems is in fact that the birth-rate of the population can be limited much more easily than the birth-rate of articles.Only the editors of scientific journals dream about the Golden Age when authors themselves would critivize their own works and reject all of them except brilliant ones.The birth of an article which represents even a small stemp forward frome the generally accepted level of knowledge gives a satisfaction and a pleasure which the author cannot overcome. In our opinion, one should not try to fight against the "information explosion", but rather try to direct its energy, i.e. efforts of the huge army of sentists, into a common channel.