出版时间:2000-6 出版社:北京世图 作者:Christian Kassel 页数:531
量子群,ISBN:9787506247153,作者:法Christian Kassel著
PrefacePart One Quantum SL 2 Ⅰ Preliminaries 1 Algebras and Modules 2 Free Algebras 3 The Affine Line and Plane 4 Matrix Multiplication 5 Determinants and Invertible Matrices 6 Graded and Filtered Algebras 7 Ore Extensions 8 Noetherian Rings 9 Exercises 10 Notes Ⅱ Tensor Products 1 Tensor Products of Vector Spaces 2 Tensor Products of Linear Maps 3 Duality and Traces 4 Tensor Products of Algebras 5 Tensor and Symmetric Algebras 6 Exercises 7 Notes Ⅲ The Language of Hopf Algebras 1 Coalgebras 2 Bialgebras 3 Hopf Algebras 4 Relationship with Chapter I. The Hopf Algebras GL 2and SL 2 5 Modules over a Hopf Algebra 6 Comodules 7 Comodule-Algebras. Coaction of SL 2 on the Affine Plane 8 Exercises 9 Notes Ⅳ The Quantum Plane and Its Symmetries 1 The Quantum Plane 2 Gauss Polynomials and the q-Binomial Formula 3 The Algebra Mq 2 4 Ring-Theoretical Properties of Mq 2 5 Bialgebra Structure on Mq 2 6 The Hopf Algebras GLq 2 and SLq 2 7 Coaction on the Quantum Plane 8 Hopf *-Algebras 9 Exercises 10 Notes Ⅴ The Lie Algebra of SL 2 1 Lie Algebras 2 Enveloping Algebras 3 The Lie Algebra sl 2 4 Representations of sl 2 5 The Clebsch-Gordan Formula 6 Module-Algebra over a Bialgebra. Action of sl 2 on the Affine Plane 7 Duality between the Hopf Algebras U sl 2 and SL 2 8 Exercises 9 Notes Ⅵ The Quantum Enveloping Algebra of 5[ 2 1 The Algebra Uq sl 2 2 Relationship with the Enveloping Algebra of 5[ 2 3 Representations of Uq 4 The Harish-Chandra Homomorphism and the Centre of Uq Ⅶ A Hopf Algebra Structure on Uq Sl 2Part Two Universal R-Matrices Ⅷ The Yang-Baxter Equation and Co Braided Bialgebras Ⅸ Drinfeld''s Quantum Double Part Three Low-Dimensional Topology and Tensor Categories Ⅹ Knots, Links, Tangles, and Braids Ⅺ Tensor Categories Ⅻ The Tangle Category ⅩⅢ Braidings ⅩⅣ Duality in Tensor Categories ⅩⅤ Quasi-BialgebrasPart Four Quantum Groups and Monodromy ⅩⅥ Generalities on Quantum Enveloping Algebras ⅩⅦ Drinfeld and Jimbo''s Quantum Enveloping Algebras ⅩⅧ Cohomology and Rigidity Theorems ⅩⅨ Monodromy of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equations ⅩⅩ Postlude. A Universal Knot InvariantReferencesIndex