
出版时间:2000-6  出版社:北京世图  作者:本社  页数:289  


  The treatment adopted in this second volume is exactly the same as that employed so successfully in the first volume, the subject matter of each section being presented in the form of question and answer. The reader will find all the definitions and theory required, togetber with selected problems which are fully worked out and plenty of exercise questions with numerical answers on which to practice and develop skill and understanding.  The material included in this volume covers more advanced work in Fluid Mechanics for engineering students in Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Higher Education. The fullness of the treatment has in some places had to be restricted owing to the limited space available.The reader seeking further information in any particular field will find it helpful to refer to "Fluid Mechanics" by Douglas, Gasiorek and Swaffield (Pitman 2nd. Edn 1985).  I would again like to express my appreciation of the assistance which I have received from my former colleagues in the teaching profession. I am particularly indebted to Dr. R.D. Matthews for his advice on the preparation of this new text and for the provision of examples and exercises with particular reference to Chapter 9.  I hope that my readers will not hesistate to let me know of any difficulties that they may experience with this text and I will be glad to receive any constructive criticism.


Preface Preface to third edition 1 Dimensional analysis2 Dynamical similarity problems3 Vortex motion and radial flow4 Streamlines and stream function5 Gases at rest6 Flow of gases7 Viscous flow8 Turbulent flow in pipes9 Flow round totally immersed bodies10 Waterhammer and pressure transients11 Non-uniform flow in channels12 Impulse and reaction turbines13 Centrifugal pumps14 Reciprocating pumps15 Computational fluid dynamicsIndex



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