
出版时间:2001-5  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:彼尔·福乐,陈德 编  页数:434  字数:370000  


本书收集了80篇英文短文,配备了相应的阅读理解、词汇及开放式讨论练习,是一本针对性较强的英语泛读教材。适应大学一、二年级学生泛读学生使用,也可作为大学英语四、六级考试复习的辅导用书。    本书具有以下特点:①课文内容丰富,涉及面较广。有关自然、社会、天文、历史、政治、民俗、心理、宗教等方面的知识均有不同程度的介绍,实现了语言和文化的相互交融。②所选文章均为地道的原文,文笔流畅,内容新颖,具有一定的时代气息。③文章编排循序渐进,由浅入深。提供的练习能有效地抓住阅读理解和词汇这两大环节,对提高英语阅读技巧,增强应试能力,提高应试水平,具有一定的指导意义。


上册  Unit 1    Passage A   Higher Education in the United States    Passage B   Applying for Studying in USA  Unit 2    Passage A   International Standardized English Tests    Passage B   Degrees Offered in USA  Unit 3    Passage A   Strengthen Your Confidence    Passage B   Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs  Unit 4    Passage A   Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)    Passage B   Problem Sleepiness  Unit 5    Passage A   Why Do We Yawn and Blink    Passage B   Tinnitus  Unit 6    Passage A   Sleeping and Snoring    Passage B   Dreaming  Unit 7    Passage A   Parents and Cash    Passage B   Controlling Anger  Unit 8    Passage A   Creating Physical Balance    Passage B   Balancing Brains  Unit 9    Passage A   Alternative Forms of Exercise    Passage B   Computers and Health  Unit 10    Passage A    Common Values of North Atlantic Treaty    Passage B   The Fundamental Role of NATO  Unit 11    Passage A   The World Trade Organization    Passage B   History of BBC  Unit 12    Passage A   Valentine's Day    Passage B   Jesus Christ  Unit 13    Passage A   The Warming of the Earth    Passage B   Living in Space  Unit 14    Passage A   Hubble Space Telescope    Passage B   Astronaut's Four Options  Unit 15    Passage A   Mystery in the Milk Way    Passage B   The Enduring Mysteries  Unit 16    Passage A   Interviewing Skills    Passage B   How to Leave a Job Properly  Unit 17    Passage A   Winston Churchill    Passage B   Brigham Young    Mormon Pioneer of t  Unit 18    Passage A    Superstitions    Passage B   Childhood Customs and Superstitions  Unit 19    Passage A    Common Plants Help Reduce Indoor Air    Passage B   New Style Hunter Emerging  Unit 20    Passage A   Towards a Standing Army    Passage B   Responses to Terrorism下册Key to Exercises




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