出版时间:1999-6 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:M.E.Taylor 页数:528
《偏微分方程(第2卷)》主要内容有:7.Pseudodifferential Operators;Introduction;1.The Fourier integral representation and symbol classes;2.Schwartz kernels of pseudodifferential operators;3.Adjoints and products;4.Elliptic operators and parametrices;5.LC-estimates;6.Garding‘s inequality;
Contents of Volumes I and HI Introduction 7 Pseudodifferential Operators Introduction 1 The Fourier integral representation and symbol classes 2 Schwartz kernels of pseudodifferential operators 3 Adjoints and products 4 Elliptic operators and parametrices 5 LC-estimates 6 Garding‘s inequality 7 Hyperbolic evolution equations 8 Egorov‘s theorem 9 Microlocal regularity 10 Operators on manifolds 11 The method of layer potentials 12 Parametrix for regular elliptic boundary problems 13 Parametrix for the heat equation 14 The Weyl calculus References 8 Spectral Theory Introducion 1 The Spectral Theorem 2 Self-adjoint differential operators 3 Heat asymptotics and eigenvalue asymptotics 4 The Laplace operator on Sn 5 The laplace operator on hyperbolic space 6 The harmonic oscillator 7 The quantum coulomb problem 8 The Laplace operator on cones References9 Scattering by obstacles 1 Introducion 2 The scattering problem 3 Eigenfuncion expansions 4 Connections with the wave equation 5 Wave operators 6 Translation representations and the Lax-Phillips semigroupr Z(t) 7 Integral equation and scattering poles 8 Trace formulas; the acattering phase 9 Scattering by a sphere 10 Inverse Problems I 11 Inverse Problems II 12 Scattering by rough obstacles A Lidskii's trace theorem References10 Dirac Operators and Index Theory11 Brownaian Motion and Potential Theory12 The e-Neumann Problem13 Connections and CurvatureIndex