
出版时间:1997-10  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:姚林生  


Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions
Unit 2 The Weather and Forecast
Unit 3 Asking Directions
Unit 4 In a Library or Post Office
Unit 5 Making a Telephone Call
Unit 6 House Hunting
Unit 7 At the Bank
Unit 8 Shopping
Unit 9 Appointment and Date
Unit 10 Dining Out
Unit 11 Transportation
Unit 12 Travelling and Sightseeing
Unit 13 At a Hotel
Unit 14 Airport and Flight
Unit 15 Reception
Unit 16 Showing Around
Unit 17 How to Look for a Job
Unit 18 An Interview
Unit 19 At Business Office
Unit 20 Visiting People
Unit 21 The Party and Dancing
Unit 22 Sports Ground
Unit 23 Recreational Activities
Unit 24 At the Doctor's
Unit 25 Beauty Salon
Unit 26 Talking over with the Police
Unit 27 Negotiating a Deal



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