出版时间:1997-9 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:W.Fulton 页数:430
To the Teacher. This book is designed to introduce a student to some of the important ideas of algebraic topology by emphasizing the relations of these ideas with other areas of mathematics. Rather than choosing one point of view of modem topology (homotopy theory,simplicial complexes, singular theory, axiomatic homology, differential topology, etc.), we concentrate our attention on concrete problems in low dimensions, introducing only as much algebraic machinery as necessary for the problems we meet. This makes it possible to see a.wider variety of important features of the subject than is usual in a beginning text. The book is designed for students of mathematics or science who are not aiming to become practicing algebraic topologists--without, we hope, discouraging budding topologists. We also feel that this approach is in better harmony with the historical development of the subject.
PrefacePART I CALCULUS IN THE PLANE CHAPTER 1 Path Integrals 1a. Differential Forms and Path Integrals 1b. When Are Path Integrals Independent of Path 1c. A Criterion for Exactness CHAPTER 2 Angles and Deformations 2a. Angle Functions and Winding Numbers 2b. Reparametrizing and Deforming Paths 2e. Vector Fields and Fluid FlowPART II WINDING NUMBERS CHAPTER 3 The Winding Number 3a. Definition of the Winding Number 3b. Homotopy and Reparametrization 3c. Varying the Point 3d. Degrees and Local Degrees CHAPTER 4 Applications of Winding Numbers 4a. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 4b. Fixed Points and Retractions 4c. Antipodes 4d. SandwichesPART III COHOMOLOGY AND HOMOLOGY, I CHAPTER 5 De Rham Cohomology and the Jordan Curve Theorem 5a. Definitions of the De Rham Groups 5b. The Coboundary Map 5c. The Jordan Curve Theorem 5d. Applications and Variations CHAPTER 6 Homology 6a. Chains, Cycles, and HoU 6b. Boundaries, H1U, and Winding Numbers 6c. Chains on Grids 6d. Maps and Homology 6e. The First Homology Group for General SpacesPART IV VECTOR FIELDS CHAPTER 7 Indices of Vector Fields 7a. Vector Fields in the Plane 7b. Changing Coordinates 7c. Vector Fields on a Sphere CHAPTER 8 Vector Fields on Surfaces 8a. Vector Fields on a Torus and Other Surfaces 8b. The Euler CharacteristicPART V COHOMOLOGY AND HOMOLOGY, II CHAPTER 9 Holes and Integrals 9a. Multiply Connected Regions 9b. Integration over Continuous Paths and Chains 9c. Periods of Integrals 9d. Complex Integration CHAPTER 10 Mayer-Vietoris 10a. The Boundary Map 10b. Mayer-Vietoris for Homology 10c. Variations and Applications 10d. Mayer-Vietoris for CohomologyPART VI COVERING SPACES AND FUNDAMENTAL GROUPS, I CHAPTER 11 Coveting Spaces CHAPTER 12 The Fundamental GroupPART VII COVERING SPACES AND FUNDAMENTAL GROUPS, II CHAPTER 13 The Fundamental Group and Covering Spaces CHAPTER 14 The Van Kampen TheoremPART VIII COHOMOLOGY AND HOMOLOGY, III CHAPTER 15 CohomologyCHAPTER 16 VariationsPART IX TOPOLOGY OF SURFACES CHAPTER 17 The Topology of Surfaces CHAPTER 18 Cohomology on SurfacesPART X RIEMANN SURFACES CHAPTER 19 Riemann Surfaces CHAPTER 20 Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves CHAPTER 21 The Riemann-Roch TheoremPART XI HIGHER DIMENSIONS CHAPTER 22 Toward Higher Dimensions CHAPTER 23 Higher Homology CHAPTER 24 DualityAPPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D APPENDIX EIndex of symbolsIndex