
出版时间:1992-01  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:Heidi Platt  


1 Very Much Alive
2 Exhausted Or Exhausting?
3 For The Matured Woman
4 Continuous Or Continual?
5 Subconscious Or Unconscious?
6 A Disinterested Observer
7 Is She Efficient, Effective or Efficacious?
8 A Small Great Dane
9 Unusual Or Weird?
10 Black Wavy Hair Or Wavy Black Hair?
11 It Must Be Somewhere?
12 Will He Soon?
13 It Happened A Week Age
14 He Spoke Very Shortly On The Phone
15 You Have Ever Been In My Heart
16 Nothing Never Went Right For Me
17 It's Really Tasty!
18 It's Quite Nice
19 Very Recommended?
20 She's Moreover Very Hardworking
21 Luckily She Offered Him A Lift
22 Certainty Not
23 Hundred Dollars Over
24 He Hasn't Come Already!
25 1 Don't Like Durians Either!
26 There's Nobody Else
27 We're So Late!
28 He Hardly Hit Her
29 Is The Air More Cleaner?
30 Is It Much Further Or Farther?
31 Do 1 Look Well?
32 How's Your English?
33 He's Been Working Lately
34 Lonely Or Alone?
35 An Alternate Or An Altemative Plan?
36 Surely He Doesn't Want Me To Wait
37 Even My Mother-In-Law
38 The Bell Has Just Rung
39 1 Threw Only A Lamp At Her
40 I'm Really Sorry About That'.



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