
出版时间:1999-11  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:L.Lam(ed.)  页数:417  


网络(路)分析问题详解,ISBN:9787506214650,作者:(美)范·沃坎伯格(Van Valkenluig M.E.)原著;程元文译著


ContentsPreface1 Introduction LuiLam 1.1 A Quiet Revolution 1.2 Nonlinearity 1.3 Nonlinear Science  1.3.1 Fractals  1.3.2 Chaos  1.3.3 Pattem Fonnation  1.3.4 Solitons  1.3.5 Cellular Automata  1.3.6 Complex Systems 1.4 Remarks ReferencesPartⅠFractals and Multifractals 2 Fractals and Diffusive Growth  Thomas C. Halsey  2.1 Percolation  2.2 Diffusion-Limited Aggregation  2.3 Electrostatic Analogy  2.4 Physical Applications ofDLA   2.4.1 Electrodeposition with Secondary Current Distribution   2.4.2 Diffusive Electrodeposition  Problems  References 3 Multifractality  Thomas C. Halsey  3.1 Defimtionof(q)and f(a)  3.2 SystematicDefinitionofT(q)  3.3 The Two-Scale Cantor Set   3.3.1 Limiting Cases   3.3.2 Stirling Formula andf(a)  3.4 Multifractal Correlations   3.4.1 Operator Product Expansion and Multifractality   3.4.2 Correlations oflso-flt Sets  3.5 Numerical Measurements of f(a)  3.6 Ensemble Averaging and (q)  Problems  References 4 Scaling Arguments and Diffusive Growth  Thomas C. Halsey  4.1 The Information Dimension  4.2 The Turkevich-Scher Scaling Relation  4.3 The Electrostatic Scaling Relation  4.4 Scaling ofNegative Moments  4.5 Conclusions  Problems  ReferencesPartⅡChaos and Randomness 5 Introduction to Dynamical Systems  Stephen G. Eubank and J. Doyne Farmer  5.1 Introduction  5.2 Detenninism Versus Random Processes  5.3 ScopeofPartⅡ  5.4 Deterministic Dynamical Systems and State Space  5.5 Classification   5.5.1 PropertiesofDynamical Systems   5.5.2 A BriefTaxonomy ofDynamical Systems Models   5.5.3 The Relationship Between Maps and Flows  5.6 Dissipative Versus Conservative Dynamical Systems  5.7 Stability   5.7.1 Lmearization   5.7.2 TheSpectrumofLyapunovExponents   5.7.3 InvariantSets   5.7.4 Attractors   5.7.5 Regular Attractors…… 6 Probability, Random Processes, and the 7 Modeling Chaotic SystemsPartⅢPattero Formation and Disorderly Growth 8 Phenomenology of Growth 9 Models and ApplicationsPartⅣSoBtons 10 Integrable Systems 11 Nonintegrable SystemsPartⅤSpecial Topics 12 Cellular Automata and Discrete Physics 13 Visualization Techniques for Cellular Dynamata 14 From Laminar Flow to Turbulence 15 Active Walks: Pattern Formation, Self-Organization, andAppendix: Historical Remarks on ChaosContributorsIndex




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