出版社:Eurocentre Longman World Publishing Corp
UNIT 1 Traffic in our cities
Lesson 1 (page 8)
Question forms
What causes it?
What does he suffer from?
Present continuous contrasted with present simple
Extended use of present continuous
The problem is getting worse all the time
Continuous passive
Lesson 2 (page 12)
Even though
Reported speech: present to pasl transformations
He told her she was on the wrong bus.
Reported questions
He asked her where she wanted to go
Tag answers
Don't you?1thought you did
Embedded questions
Do you know ifthe 79A stops here?
UNIT 2 The English Broadcasting Company
Lesson 3 (page 16)
Simple past contrasted with present perfect
How long did you live in France?
How long have you been living here?
Verbs that rarely take the present continuous
Lesson 4 (page 20)
Reported speech
will do-would do
has done-had done
Excuse me for ...... ing
Would you mind ...... ing?
More tag answers
Past perfect
UNIT 3 Space travel
Lesson 5 (page 24)
Continuous and simple perfect forms contrasted
We have known this for years.
We have been doing this for years.
1 have been interested in this ever since 1 first came
They used to do it
Lesson 6 (page 28}
More reported questions
More tag answers
So did 1.
Neither did 1.
Summary of reported speech
UNIT 4 Education
Lesson 7 (page 32)
Until, as soon as, before, after
Must used to express assumptions
Modal continuous
Make someone do contrasted with let someone do
Lesson 8 (page 36)
It's foolish/crazy/difficult for him to do that
Told contrasted with said
More question tags
You haven't. . . have you?
Needn't do
Needn 't do contrasted with mustn 't do
UNIT 5 T-he-rich-and-the-poor-
Lesson 9
Infinitive constructions
Theland is too poor to farm.
They are too poor to farm the land
Modal passive
The and can be improved
Lesson 10
There isn't enough for todowsomething
Participle adjectives
He was boring:
She was bored.
Let me help you
Seems to be do.hg
Going to Liverpool are you?
Infinitive particles
I'd like to
Future use of present continuous
I'-m-giving-a-party-this evening
UNIT 6 Holidays
Lesson 11
That's the sort of holiday they're going on.
Position of preposition in defining relative clauses
That's where/why/'how
Modification ofadjectives in comparative form
It's getting harder and harder/ more and more
That's the most difficult thing of all
They managed to do it
Lesson 12
She apologised for being late.
It took her only a short time to do it
It should (assumption) be there
I'm sorry 1 wasn't able to do it.
Your ticket doesn't seem to be here
Revision of who, that, which
UNIT 7 Disaster-
Lesson 13
Past continuous
They were having a good time when it
The other ship could have saved them.
Which used to refer to the whole of the preceding-
It was goihg very fast; wh'ich' was dangerous:
Rovision of what as subject or object
What sank the Titanic?
What did the tiianic strike?"
Lesson 14
He felt it while he was lying there
She saw/ heard him doing it
I haven't ...have I?
I'm afraid so/not
Revision of irregular verbs
UNIT. 8 Letters to an advice column
Lesson 15
If 1 tell him, he'll be hurt and angry.
If you really loved him, you wouldn't be in love
with his father.
Unless you tell him, he'll lose faith in you
Whenever/ wherever/whatever we do
Lesson 16
She left without paying.
She was arrested for stealing.
Don't you? Well, do you know someone who does?
1 don't suppose you know how much this is?
Further revision of irregular verbs
UNIT 9 Life in the future
Lesson 17 (page 72)
We'll be living in liltle boxes in 100 years' time
Future continuous forms
We may be living in better cities
Future perfect forms
The population will have doubled.
We may have run out of water to drink
Lesson 18 (page 76)
They disliked each other but controlled themselves.
The man sitting opposite him was the Financial
Do you happen to have done it? You don't seem
to have done it at all.
Seem, appear, happen with three forms of the
UNIT 10 Crime and punishment
Lesson 19 (puge 80)
If he hadn't been drunk, he wouldn't have lost
control of the car.
Ifhe hadn't been driving so fast, he wouldn't have
lost control of the car.
Simple and continuous forms of the past perfect
He shouldn't have drunk so much.
He might have killed ten people.
He didn't know that he was going to hit the bus
Lesson 20 (page 84)
He accused him ofdriving dangerously.
He suggested that they should move the car out of
the way.
1 think we had better do it, hadn't we?
1 think I'd better do it just in case.
Look, smell, seem, sound feel+ adjective
UNIT 11 The world of advertising
Lesson 21 (page 88)
She wanted/told/begged him to do it
She told him what to do.
Would you tike me to tell you about it?
In spite of/because of
1 shouldn't havc done/'be doing
Lesson 22 (page 92)
She insisted on doing it.
She got what she wanted
You must have done it.
It's supposed to give satisfaction (people say it
Revision of what-clauses as subjects or objects
What you said annoyed me.
1 heard what you said.
UNIT 12 Work and money
Lesson 23 (page 96)
Remember/stop/enjoy doing (revision)
She hates having to do it.
Gerund forms of can and must
She hates having to do it.
She likes being able to do it
She has difficulty in doing it
Extended gerund subject clauses
Working ten hours a day in a hospital isn't
much fun.
1 can remember him/her/them doing it
Lesson 24 (page 100)
He put offgoing to the dentist's
He should have done it earlier
Your teeth need seeing to.
1 want to look them over now
They will have to be seen to immediately
1 may be able to save it.
Phrasal verbs with separable particles
Put on thatjacket. Put it on.
UNIT 13 Women's Liberation
Lesson 25 (page 104)
Wish + would. were, etc.
1 wish my wife would stay at home
1 wish 1 earned a bit more money.
Some women wish they had been born men
Lesson 26 (page 108}
She decided she would rather take a train than go by
She wondered ifthere was any point in waiting
1 think I'd rather . . . than . . .
What's the use ofjust looking at it?
Phrasal verbs with two particles
He put up with it.
Lesson 27 (page 112)
Verbs like give. with direct and indirect objects
Verbs like explain, with direct and indirect objects
Passive forms of verbs like give, explain
1 can't afford to have it done
I'vejust had it done.
Lesson 28 (page 116)
She left, saying she would be back later
She told him not to do it.
How much should it cost to have it done?
Omission of have after want, would like, etc
1 want the engine looked at.
Inseparable phrasal verbs
I'll see to it.
UNIT 15 Progress
Lesson29 (pagel20)
Zero article
We have made progress in industry science
and medicine.
Modification of nouns with and without zero
Modern industry
The car industry
Lesson 30 (page 124)
She had been one of the last to come
She waited for the blow to come.
1 was going to do it but 1 forgot.
I'd like to have avoided it.
Intransitive phrasal verbs
The fire broke out