现代几何学方法和应用 第2卷(影印版)

出版时间:1999-11  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:B.A.Dubrovin,A.T.Fomenko,S.P.Novikov  页数:430  


Up until recently, Riemannian geometry and basic topology were not included, even by departments or faculties of mathematics, as compulsory subjects in a university-level mathematical education. The standard courses in the classical differential geometry of curves and surfaces which were given instead (and still are given in some places) have come gradually to be viewed as anachronisms. However, there has been hitherto no unanimous agreement as to exactly how such courses should be brought up to date, that is to say, which parts of modern geometry should be regarded as absolutely essential to a modern mathematical education, and what might be the appropriate levelof abstractness of their exposition.


CHAPTER1 Examples of Manifolds  1. The concept of a manifold    1.1. Definition of a manifold    1.2. Mappings of manifolds; tensors on manifolds    1.3. Embeddings and immersions of manifolds. Manifolds with boundary  2. The simplest examples of manifolds    2.1. Surfaces in Euclidean space. Transformation groups as manifolds    2.2. Projective spaces    2.3. Exercises  3. Essential facts from the theory of Lie groups    3.1. The structure of a neighbourhood of the identity of a Lie groupThe Lie algebra of a Lie group. Semisimplicity    3.2. The concept of a linear representation. An example of a non-matrix Lie group  4. Complex manifolds    4.1. Definitions and examples    4.2. Riemann surfaces as manifolds  5. The simplest homogeneous spaces    5.1. Action of a group on a manifold    5.2. Examples of homogeneous spaces    5.3. Exercises  6. Spaces of constant curvature (symmetric spaces)    6.1. The concept of a symmetric space    6.2. The isometry group of a manifold. Properties of its Lie algebra    6.3. Symmetric spaces of the first and second types    6.4. Lie groups as symmetric spaces    6.5. Constructing symmetric spaces. Examples    6.6. Exercises  7. Vector bundles on a manifold    7.1. Constructions involving tangent vectors    7.2. The normal vector bundle on a submanifoldCHAPTER 2 Foundational Questions. Essential Facts Concerning Functions on a Manifold. Typical Smooth Mappings  8. Partitions of unity and their applications    8.1. Partitions of unity    8.2. The simplest applications of partitions of unity. Integrals over a manifold and the general Stokes formula    8.3. Ihvariant metrics  9. The realization of compact manifolds as surfaces in R  10. Various properties of smooth maps of manifolds    10.1. Approximation of continuous mappings by smooth ones    10.2. Sard's theorem    10.3. Transversal regularity    10.4. Morse functions  11. Applications of Sard's theorem    11.1. The existence of embeddings and immersions    11.2. The construction of Morse functions as height functions    11.3. Focal pointsCHAPTER 3 The Degree of a Mapping. The Intersection Index of Submanifolds Applications  12. The concept of homotopy    12.1. Definition of homotopy. Approximation ofcontinuous maps and homotopies by smooth ones    12.2. Relative homotopies  13. The degree ofa map    13.1. Definition ofdegree    13.2. Generalizations of the concept ofdegree    13.3. Classification of homotopy classes ofmaps from an arbitrary manifold to a sphere    13.4. The simplest examples  14. Applications of the degree of a mapping    14.1. The relationship between degree and integral    14.2. The degree of a vector field on a hypersurface    14.3. The Whitney number. The Gauss-Bonnet formula    14.4. The index of a singular point of a vector field    14.5. Transverse surfaces of a vector field. The Poincare-Bendixson theorem  15. The intersection index and applications    15.1. Definition of the intersection index    15.2. The total index of a vector field    ……CHAPTER 4 Orientability of Manifolds. The Fundamental Group Covering Spaces (Fibre Bundles with Discrete Fibre)  16. Orientability and homotopies of closed paths  17. The fundamental group  18. Covering maps and covering homotopies  19. Covering maps and the fundamental group. Computation of the fundamental group of certain manifolds  20. The discrete groups of motions of the Lobachevskian planeCHAPTER 5 Homotopy Groups  21. Definition of the absolute and relative homotopy groups. Examples  22. Covering homotopies. The homotopy groups of covering spaces and loop spaces  23. Facts concerning the homotopy groups of spheres. Framed normal bundles. The Hopf invariantCHAPTER 6 Smooth Fibre Bundles  24. The homotopy theory of fibre bundles  25. The differential geometry of fibre bundles  26. Knots and links. BraidsCHAPTER 7 Some Examples of Dynamical Systems and Foliations on Manifolds  27. The simplest concepts of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems Two-dimensional manifolds  28. Hamiltonian systems on manifolds. Liouville's theorem. Examples  29. Foliations  30. Variational problems involving higher derivativesCHAPTER 8 The Global Structure of Solutions of Higher-Dimensional Variational Problems  31. Some manifolds arising in the general theory of relativity (GTR)  32. Some examples of global solutions of the Yang-Mills equations Chiral   33. The minimality of complex submanifoldsBibliographyIndex




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