出版时间:2000-1 出版社:世界图书出版公司 作者:M.Loeve 页数:413
PART FOUR: DEPENDENCE CHAPTER VIII: CONDITIONING SECTION 27. CONCEPT OF CONDITIONING 27.1 Elementary case 27.2 General case 27.3 Conditional expectation given a function *27.4 Relative conditional expectations and sufficient a-fields 28. PROPERTIES OF CONDITIONING 28.1 Expectation properties 28.2 Smoothing properties *28.3 Concepts of conditional independence and of chains 29. REGULAR PR. FUNCTIONS 29.1 Regularity and integration *29.2 Decomposition of regular c.pr.‘s given separable a-fields 30. CONDITIONAL DISTRIBUTIONS 30.1 Definitions and restricted integration 30.2 Existence 30.3 Chains the elementary case CHATPER IX:FROM INDERENDENCE TO DEPENDENXE 31.CENTRAL ASYMPTOTIC PRAOBLEM 31.1 Comparison of laws 31.2 Compaison of summands 31.3 Weighted prob.laws 32.CENTERINGS MARTINGALES,AND A.S.CONVERGENCE 32.1 Centerings 32.2 Martingales:generanlities …… CHPATER X:ERGODIC THEOREMS CHAPTER XI:SECOND ORDER PROPERTIESPART FIVE:ELEMENSTS OF RANDOM ANALYSIS CHAPTER XII:FOUNDATIONS MARTINGLES AND DECOMPABLTY CHAPTER XIII:BROWNIAN MOTON AND LIMIT DISTRIBUTIONS CHAPTER XIV:MARKOV PROCESSESBIBLEOGRAPHYINDEX
This book is intended as a text for graduate sudents and as a reference for workers in Probability and Statistics. The prerequisite is honest calculus. The material covered in Parts Two to Five inclusive requires about three to four semesters of graduate study. The introductory part may serve as a text for an undergraduate course in elementary probability theory.