
出版时间:2000-12  出版社:北京世图  作者:Morris W.Hirsch  页数:224  


This book presents some of the basic topological ideas used in studying differentiable manifolds and maps. Mathematical prerequisites have been kept to a minimum; the standard course in analysis and general topology is adequate preparation. An appendix briefly summarizes some of the background material. In order to emphasize the geometrical and intuitive aspects of differential topology, I have avoided the use of algebraic topology, except in a few isolated places that can easily be skipped. For the same reason I make no use of differential forms or tensors.


IntrodttctionChapter 1: Manifolds and Maps  0. Submanifolds of Rn k  1. Differential Structures  2. Differentiable Maps and the Tangent Bundle  3. Embeddings and Immersions  4. Manifolds with Boundary  5. A ConventionChapter 2: Function Spaces  1. The Weak and Strong Topologies on Cr M,N  2. Approximations  3. Approximations on -Manifolds and Manifold Pairs  4. Jets and the Baire Property  5. Analytic ApproximationsChapter 3: Transversality  1. The Morse-Sard Theorem  2. TransversalityChapter 4: Vector Bundles and Tubular Neighborhoods  1. Vector Bundles  2. Constructions with Vector Bundles  3. The Classification of Vector Bundles  4. Oriented Vector Bundles  5. Tubular Neighborhoods  6. Collars and Tubular Neighborhoods of Neat Submanifolds  7. Analytic Differential StructuresChapter 5: Degrees, Intersection Numbers, and the Euler Characteristic  1. Degrees of Maps  2. Intersection Numbers and the Euler Characteristic  3. Historical RemarksChapter 6: Morse Theory  1. Morse Functions  2. Differential Equations and Regular Level Surfaces  3. Passing Critical Levels and Attaching Cells  4. CW-ComplexesChapter 7: Cobordism  1. Cobordism and Transversality  2. The Thom HomomorphismChapter 8: Isotopy  1. Extending Isotopies  2. Gluing Manifolds Together  3. Isotopies of DisksChapter 9: Surfaces  1. Models of Surfaces  2. Characterization of the Disk  3. The Classification of Compact SurfacesBibliographyAppendixIndex




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  •   书还没有仔细看,整体上感觉是很好的教材。GTM系列的丛书多可作为学习数学的经典教材。
  •   书挺喜欢,质量不错 发票 都很满意
  •   这本书别看只有200多页,但是难度不小。特别是有些习题很难。
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  •   Hirsch的微分拓扑学确实是一本难得的好书!非常超值!

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