
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:经济科学出版社  作者:韩红梅  页数:211  字数:352000  


本套教材在设计、编写和制作上严格贯彻《大学英语课程教学要求》和《大学英语四/六级考试大纲》中对大学英语教学性质、教学目标、教学模式、教学评估、教学管理及大学英语参考词汇表等各方面所做的界定和描述,并在此基础上,结合外语教学理论与实际教学需要,进行教学理念和教学模式的探索与创新,开拓大学英语教学的新形式。     本书为第1册,共8个单元,每个单元由Warming up,Text A,Text B,Structured Writing,Culture Focus五大模块构成。这五大模块涵盖了语言学习中的听、说、读、写、译五大要素,每个模块均配有相应的注释或练习,即学即练,形式活泼,图文并茂。


Unit 1  College Life
Part I Warming up
Part II Text A: How to Make Friends for College Freshmen?
Part III Text B: Why Bother Grading at All?
Part IV Structured Writing
Culture Focus: Ivy League Univeities
Unit 2 Famous People
Part I Warming up
Part II Text A: Seven Lesso We Can Learn From Michael Jordan
Part III Text B: Bill Gates Bids a Teary Farewell to Microsoft
Part IV Structured Writing
Culture Focus: George Washington
Unit 3 Western Life
Part I Warming up
Part II Text A: Are Fast Food Chai to Blame for the Nation' s
Part III Text B: Recession is Reshaping the American Family
Part IV Structured Writing
Culture Focus: American Diet Culture
Unit 4 Attitude to Life
Part I Warming up
Part II Text A: The Way to Happiness
Part III Text B: Take a Moment to Really See
Part IV Structured Writing
Culture Focus: American Dream
Unit 5 Olympic Spirit
Part I Warming up
Part II Text A: The Educational Aspects of the Olympic Ideal
Part III Text B: My Greatest Olympic Prize
Part IV Structured Writing
Culture Focus: The Olympic Motto
Unit 6 Better Youelf
Part I Warming up
Part II Text A: Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar
Part III Text B : The Best Advice I Ever Received
Part IV Structured Writing
Culture Focus: Andrew Carnegie
Unit 7 Wa of Learning
Part I Warming up
Part II Text A: When a Line Forms, the Learning Begi
Part III Text B: How to Succeed in College
Part IV Structured Writing
Culture Focus: Library of Congress
Unit 8 True Love
Part I Warming up
Part II Text A: A Brief Visit from My Soldier Son
Part III Text B: Real-life Fairy Tale
Part IV Structured Writing
Culture Focus: Valentine's Day
Phrases and Expressio
Proper Names



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