出版时间:2010-4 出版社:经济科学出版社 作者:陈丹 页数:251
《中国高科技中小企业技术合作战略与管理的实证研究》以交易成本、竞争力和企业资源观为基础理论研究了企业间技术合作领域中的若干问题。以高科技中小企业为研究对象,回答了为什么高科技中小企业参与企业间技术合作活动,他们倾向于采用怎样的合作方式,企业间技术合作对技术创新有怎样的影响,以及企业间技术合作的成功要素有哪些等问题。该研究采用随机抽样问卷调查和经理人访谈方式获取关于企业间合作战略制定与实施的第一手资料,被调查企业来自济南、青岛和威海三个国家级高科技开发区。为控制行业外生变量的影响,样本企业框定在信息与通信行业,该行业为目前中国成长最快和出口贡献最大的行业之一。 《中国高科技中小企业技术合作战略与管理的实证研究》的研究结论显示,总体来说企业间技术合作能促进企业绩效,这与高科技中小企业开展合作的初衷相一致。然而,合作并不能给较小企业的技术创新带来显著影响,可见处于创建初期且规模较小的企业并不是合作创新的主要受益者。高科技中小企业参与技术合作的动机具有多样性和重叠性.主要动机有:进入新的市场、获取规模/范围经济性、实现技术转移以及向合作伙伴学习。合作方式的选择多集中于:客户—供应商之间的研发合同、企业间联合研发协议以及合资创建新企业。研究发现,企业参与合作的主要动机和方式与企业的规模及经营年限有关。企业的规模越大,企业表现出越强的技术转移和向合作伙伴学习的合作动机,而且越倾向于采用合资企业的合作方式。经营年限较长的企业比新建企业更倾向于通过合资企业促进技术创新。在决定企业是否参与合作的众多影响因素中,企业规模是唯一的显著性影响因素,其原因可解释为规模赋予企业资源能力,企业只有在拥有互补性资源的情况下,合作关系才是互利的,由此才能在特定时间框架内建立平等的、稳定的合作关系。被调查企业的资料显示资源互补性、基于信任的交流和互惠、履行对合作的许诺是取得合作成功的三大最基本要素,有着成功合作经验的企业与其他企业相比较表现出对“信任、交流和互惠”更多的关注。
LIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESChapter 1: Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Rationale of the Study1.3 Research Questions and Objectives1.4 Methodology1.5 Structure of the Thesis1.6 SummaryChapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives on Strategic Management in Inter-firm Technological Cooperation2.1 Overview of Strategic Management Theories in Relation to Inter-firm Technological Cooperation2.2 The Nature of Technology Change2.3 Technological Innovation in Firms2.4 SummaryChapter 3: Empirical Study of Inter-firm Technological Cooperation3.1 Review Definitions of Inter-firm Technological Cooperation3.2 Overview of Motives for Inter-firm Technological Cooperation3.3 Empirical Studies on SMEs' Cooperative Practices3.4 Overview of Modes of Inter-firm Cooperation3.5 Determinants of Firms' Propensity to Cooperate and the Impact of Cooperation on Firms' Economic Performance3.6 Critical Success Factors for Inter-firm Technological Cooperation3.7 SummaryChapter 4: Research Context and Conceptual Framework4.1 Introduction to High-tech SMEs in China4.2 National Innovation System with Regard to High-tech SMEs4.3 Research Framework of Inter-firm Technological Cooperation in China's High-tech SMEs4.4 SummaryChapter 5: Research Design and MethodolOgy5.1 Research Strategy5.2 Questionnaire Design5.3 Survey Process5.4 Data Analysis Plan5.5 SummaryChapter 6: Data Analysis6.1 A Profile of Respondents and Surveyed Firms6.2 Statistical Analysis of Primary Motives and Main Modes……Chapter 8: ConclusionsAppendicesReferencesACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Chapter 1 : IntroductionThis thesis is an empirical study of inter-firm technological cooperation in high technology small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China. The study ex-plores how high-tech SMEs cooperate with partner firms for the sake of technologi-cal innovation. The empirical investigation in China's high-tech SMEs was conduc-ted to test proposed hypotheses and address derivative research questions. The ob-jective is to contribute both to business management and policy-makers' decision-making, and also to academic research by providing new insight into the bases of inter-firm cooperative activities intended to increase innovation.1.1 Background of the StudyWhile resourced-based firms have their core capabilities, it is impossible for a small firm to house all the resources necessary for product innovation. SMEs are resource constrained to a higher extent compared with their larger counterparts. It is argued that cooperating with partner firms can bring SMEs the competitive force which a small firm can never achieve by itself. Studies of inter-firm cooperation have been well documented among large firms, especially multinational compa-nies. However, far less attention has been paid to SMEs. The role of high-tech SMEs has attracted researchers' attention in recent decades, and theoretical and empirical studies in this field have become more popular than ever before. This study aims to bridge the gap between high-tech SMEs' cooperative practices and theoretical explanations to and effective strategic management of this phenome-non.……
中国高科技中小企业技术合作战略与管理的实证研究 PDF格式下载