出版时间:2010-3 出版社:经济科学出版社 作者:孔蕴华,吴立高 主编 页数:476 字数:760000
本教材具有以下特点: 1.选材新颖 本教材中的语言素材出自最新的权威报纸杂志和相关网站,所含信息对教材使用者了解国际财务、金融的基本常识及当前国际财务、金融领域的最新发展将有极夫帮助。 2.练习形式多样化 书中各类练习目的明确、形式多样化,旨在提高学员在国际财务、金融语境中实际应用英语进行交际的能力。 3.听说读写并重 目前,市场上各种财务英语和金融英语教本季多侧重予阅读单项技能的提高,也有一些教材偏重于口语单项技能的提高。与目前市场上现有的财务金融英语教材相比,本教材注重全面提高学员的英语听、说、读、写四项语言技能,而不是只侧重于某项单项按能的提高。当然,本教材的听、说、读、写技能部分,也可以分开独立运用。
孔蕴华,北京外国语大学网络教育学院教学顾问。孔蕴华老师曾任北京外国语大学英语系副主任,副教授,具有丰富的英语教学功底和高端的商务经历,是高层次复合型英语培训师。 吴立高,北京外国语大学副教授。吴立高老师是北京外国语大学网络教育学院的优秀课程主讲教师,具有20多年的教学经验,并有着丰富的财务金融英语培训经历,曾培训过无数财务金融界高级管理人士。目前,他集财务金融教材开发、课程教学设计和教学实践等工作于一身。是一位深受业界尊敬的高层次教师。
Unit 9 AccountingUnit 10 Corporate TakeoverUnit 11 Debt ManagementUnit 12 Budget ManagementUnit 13 Croporate GoernanceUnit 14 Risk ManagementUnit 15 Cost ManagementUnit 16 Financial Strategy总词汇表参考文献
Mark:I plan to become an accountant.Would you please tell me something about the preparation I should do before I enter the profession? Carol:Sure.From the form you fill out,I can see you major in accounting.Accountantshave good job opportunities.This is because there will be new and changing laws that will increase the need for accountants;also,there will be more private companies that will need accountants.Accountants who have a lot of special skills,such as certified public accountants(CPAS)and certified management accountants,should have the easiest time finding a job. Mark:So what does that mean to me?Should I take the CPA exams? Carol:CPA exams take a long time.You may start early if you can manage your studies. Mark:I see.Is internship important?Should I have international accounting experience? Carol:Internship is important.If you look for a job,many companies expect you to havesome working experience.Internship counts as practical experience.It will bewonderful to have international accounting experience if you can.