
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:经济科学出版社  作者:朱志华,周俊萍 主编  页数:174  字数:273600  


  《英语(第二册)》是依据劳动和社会保障部培训就业司颁发的最新《英语课教学大纲》的目标要求,并针对中职中专英语教学的特点和目前各省市的教学实际情况进行编写的新版教材。  本册教材注重素质教育的推行和学生英语应用能力的培养,充分考虑中职学生的现状、特点和发展需要,精心选材、精心编写,尽力做到编适于学、编便于学。  本册教材具有以下特点:  1.紧扣大纲,系统全面  本册教材严格按照中国劳动和社会保障出版社颁布的最新《英语课教学大纲》进行编写,它几乎覆盖了《大纲》所要求掌握的所有英语语言知识和技能。  2.一条主线,两大知识  本册教材每单元以一篇阅读为主线,然后围绕阅读展开重难点和语法两大知识模块的讲解。以阅读为载体,知识为构架,便于学生通过阅读掌握语言知识。  3.内容丰富。取材广泛  本册教材共分为20个单元,取材广泛,涉及科技、历史、文化、语言学习等多个领域,内容极为丰富,难易适度。语言现象由简到繁,词汇范围由窄到宽;课文难度步步增高,深度广度渐次加大。  4.循序渐进,统筹科学  本套教材分两册,本册是第二册。两册教材的编写遵循由易到难、循序渐进的原则,让学生能够顺畅地完成中职阶段的英语学习任务,达到大纲所要求的目标。  5.配套齐全,方便自学  本册教材配套齐全,由学生用书、教学参考书和习题册三部分组成,极大地方便了教师教学和学生自学。


   《英语(第二册)》是依据劳动和社会保障部培训就业司颁发的最新《英语课教学大纲》的目标要求,并针对中职中专英语教学的特点和目前各省市的教学实际情况进行编写的新版教材。   本册教材注重素质教育的推行和学生英语应用能力的培养,充分考虑中职学生的现状、特点和发展需要,精心选材、精心编写,尽力做到编适于学、编便于学。


Lesson 1 祈使句Lesson 2 have+宾语+过去分词Lesson 3 虚拟语气(一)Lesson 4 原因连接词与介词总汇Lesson 5 现在分词Lesson 6 过去分词Lesson 7 被动语态被动语态Lesson 8 there be句型Lesson 9 比较级Lesson 10 情态动词Lesson 11 过去进行时Lesson 12 it强调句Lesson 13 表过“虽然,即使,尽管”的让步状语从句Lesson 14 表语从句Lesson 15 非限制性定语从句Lesson 16 同位语从句Lesson 17 主语从句Lesson 18 时间连接词总汇Lesson 19 关系代词that还是whichLesson 20 虚拟语气(二) 附录


  As for language learning, many people believe thatyoung children are the best second language learners. Infact, studies have shown that teenagers and adults are inmany ways better at learning a new language thanchildren, except in the area of pronunciation. This isprobably because they have already known their firstlanguage and can use some of their knowledge aboutlanguage and language learning when learning a secondlanguage. However, this doesnt answer the important question: what is the best age to learn a newlanguage? This question cannot be answered so simply.  Some experts think that the sooner a child starts to learn a second language the better. It cer-tainly seems to make sense that the earlier you start, the more progress you will make comparedwith someone who siarts later. However, this is not the case, particularly if the second languagecomes to take the place of the first language. And when the first language doesnt develop proper-ly, there is the danger that the child is not good at either of the two languages. It has been foundthat older learners of a language are more efficient, so they may need less time to learn thanyounger learners. Also, of course, if more time is spent learning a second language during theschool day, then some other subjects must be cut to make way for it. This may not be desirable.



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