
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:经济科学出版社  作者:孔蕴华,吴立高  页数:328  






Unit 1  Financial Reporting Topic 1:Financial Statement  Listening Activity:Three Major Forms of Financial Statements  Writing Activity:Describing Basic Financial Statements  Reading Activity:The Three Financial Statements in Focus  Speaking Activity:The Three Financial Statements in Focus Topic 2:Financial Report  Listening Activity:The Environment of Financial Reporting  Writing Activity:Financial Reporting  Reading Activity:Financial Reporting and the BSC  Speaking Activity:Financial Reporting and the BSCUnit 2  Financing Topic 1:Loans and Syndicated Loans  Listening Activity:Different Forms of Loans  Writing Activity:Syndicated Loan Systems  Reading Activity:Loans and Syndicated Loans  Speaking Activity:Business Loans Topic 2:Leases  Listening Activity:What Is Leasing?  Writing Activity:Standard Lease and Operating Lease  Reading Activity:Property Leases  Speaking Activity:Talking about LeasingUnit 3  Insurance and Reinsurance Topic 1:Insurance  Listening Activity:Insurance Industry  Writing Activity:Business Insurance  Reading Activity:Addressing Moral Hazards  Speaking Activity:Describing Insurance Topic 2:Reinsurance  Listening Activity:An Introduction to Reinsurance  Writing Activity:Practical Writing about Reinsurance  Reading Activity:Retrocession and Long Tail Claims  Speaking Activity:Reinsurance & Secondary ReinsuranceUnit 4  Auditing Topic 1:Internal Auditing  Listening Activity:Knowing an Internal Auditor  Writing Activity:Regarding Sarbanes-Oxley  Reading Activity:Internal Audit Report Results  Speaking Activity:Qualifications and Experience Topic 2:External Auditing  Listening Activity:Results of External Audit Projects  Writing Activity:An External Audit Project  Reading Activity:The Context for an External Auditor  Speaking Activity:What about the External Auditor?Unit 5  Asset Management Topic 1:Company Assets  Listening Activity:How Assets Are Managed  Writing Activity:Writing a Business Letter  Reading Activity:Asset Characteristics and Management.  Speaking Activity:Understanding Asset-Based Finance . Topic 2:Company Valuation  Listening Activity:Asset Valuation  Writing Activity:Format of a Business Letter  Reading Activity:Methods Used in Valuation  Speaking Activity:Business Environment AssessmentUnit 6  Credit Topic 1:Credit Instruments  Listening Activity:Parties to Payment  Writing Activity:How Credit Instruments Are Issued  Reading Activity:Why Banks Issue Credit Instruments  Speaking Activity:What is the Future? Topic 2:Letter of Credit Operation  Listening Activity:Letter of Credit Facilitating Trade  Writing Activity:Letter of Credit Documentation  Reading Activity:Problems with Collection  Speaking Activity:Types of TransactionsUnit 7  Banking Topic 1:Banking  Listening Activity:Personal Banking Businesses  Writing Activity:Internet Banking for Individual Clients  Reading Activity:The Banking Industry  Speaking Activity:Personal and Corporate Banking Topic 2:Investment Banking  Listening Activity:Major Functions of Investment Banking  Writing Activity:Major Functions of Investment Banking in Focus  Reading Activity:Further Understanding of Investment Banking  Speaking Activity:Investment Banking in FocusUnit 8  Foreign Exchange Topic 1:Foreign Exchange Markets  Listening Activity:What's Foreign Exchange?  Writing Activity:Management of Foreign Exchange Risk  Reading Activity:Foreign Exchange Overview  Speaking Activity:Talking about Foreign Exchange Rate Topic 2:Foreign Exchange Transactions  Listening Activity:Clearing Settlement  Writing Activity:Foreign Investment  Reading Activity:International Settlement  Speaking Activity:Talking about International PaymentGlossary/总词汇表Reference/参考文献




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  •   很好的一本书,比较适合大家自学,有一配套教材,可以一块用
  •   书不错 希望能看的进咯
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  •   很好 很新,是正版,很喜欢
  •   如果是要教材的话,这个书估计不行,全书分成四部分,听写读说,都是习题,最后给出的每个小单元的重点词汇。
  •   上课用的,老师说要买的,内容还是挺不错的
  •   书昨天到的,内容大概看了一下还好,听说读写都有。书是不错,不过我不明白既然是新书为什么书的封底有圆珠笔打过的草稿。在当当买了上百本书了,这种情况还是头一回,实在不应该该!!希望当当以后杜绝这种情况的发生!!
  •   书的封面有点磨损,内页还好
  •   其实整本书全是练习,没什么总结性规律性的东西,当做练习册还较好~
  •   还可以。就是很多尘
  •   书不错不过我在订货时特意留言要本整洁的书结果收到发现被挤坏了些另外,已经提供公司抬头,发票上为什么是空白呢?

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