出版时间:2004-1 出版社:经济科学出版社 作者:王建国 编
Unit One Speeches on campus 1 Turning Your Eyes to China 2 Speech Given in Peking University 3 China'sRole in the 21 Century Global Economy 4 Implementing a Global Partnership for Poverty Reduction 5 US-China Cooperative Relationship is Growing Fast 6 Twenty Years of Reform-Achievements,Challenges and the New AgendaUnit TWO Macroeconomics 7 State of the Union Address 8 China:Policies for sustained 9 U.S.Committed to Growing China Trade Relationship 10 The 11 China -U.S. Joint Economic Committee Address 11 The Role of China in Stabilizing East Asia 12 The World Economy Recovers Gradually 13 Asia and China's EconomyUnit Three Public Finance and Financial Sector 14 Getting China Right 15 Poverty,Growth,and the International 16 Lessons from the Asian Crisis 17 Mild Deflation in China 18 Exchange Rate lssues Abort China 19 China'sMedium-term Fiscal ChallengesUnit Four Foreign Trade 20 China:Post-WTO Accession Reform and lts Partnership in the Global Economy 21 The Case for Normal Trade Relations with ChinaUnit Five Sustainable Development 22 Marshall Plan for the Next 50 Years 23 Corporate Governance and the Challenge of Development 24 The World Bank at the Millennium 25 Investing in Many Generations of Reform 26 A Time to Act-2002Annual Meetings Address 27 Sustainability-an Evolving Framework